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[人物传记/成功经验] itzhichang

某编程牛人在博客根据自己从业数年经验 从程序员工作生活等各角度 成系列的写的经验博文 我整理成单个文档供大家阅读学习 推荐啊
Cattle people in a programming blog from the angle of programmers working life into a series according to their number of years experience experience experience Bowen wrote organized into a single document for everyone to read to learn recommended (2012-12-31, Visual C++, 50KB, 下载6次)


[人物传记/成功经验] zhexiedaolimeirenguosuguoni

书名:这些道理没有人告诉过你 作者:杨萃先 类型:励志书籍 简介:本书为新东方教育科技集团大愚文化倾力打造职场系列精品丛书,创作团体皆为新东方面试培训领域的优秀教师,多年来,辅导了数万名学员顺利就业。他们应邀为全国各地应届大学毕业生做百余场求职面试巡回讲座,他们的新东方面试技巧课程则被历届学员奉为“求职胜经”。本书获徐小平老师强力推荐,相信会对大学生及在职人士在择业、求职及人生规划方面提供独到的见解与实用的指导。
Title: The reason no one ever tell you Author: Yang Sui first type: inspirational book Description: This book is New Oriental Education & Technology Group Dayu effort to build a workplace culture series of fine books, creating new groups are all areas of Oriental interview training outstanding teachers, Over the years, tens of thousands of students successfully counseling job. They invited university graduates across the country to do field interviews over a hundred lecture tour, their new Oriental interview skills course were former participants regarded as a " victory by the job." Xu Xiaoping, the book was highly recommended teachers, students and working people will believe in careers, job search and life planning to provide insights and practical guidance. (2011-07-17, Visual C++, 56KB, 下载12次)
