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[软件工程] In-traffic-count-shoppers

商 场 客 流 量 计 数 导 购 简单易懂
Straightforward mall traffic count shopping guide (2013-04-14, Visual C++, 82KB, 下载6次)


[软件工程] Compiler-Construction-Principles

(美)Kenneth C. Louden 著 冯博琴 冯岚 等译
(United States) Kenneth C. Louden with Bo-Qin Feng Feng Lan and other translation (2011-04-23, Visual C++, 2452KB, 下载7次)


[软件工程] Real-timehotelroomsinthedesign

酒店客房实时房态管理的设计与实 现现
hotel rooms in the state- the design and management of hotel rooms is real-time management of the state Housing Design and Implementation is (2006-03-17, Visual C++, 123KB, 下载12次)
