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[文章/文档] Test_opencv02

Realize the effect of reading gray value of pictures, as well as the operation of matrix (2019-03-27, Visual C++, 4044KB, 下载1次)


[文章/文档] sinalgo-0.75.3-regularRelease

传感网是物联网的核心技术。 附件是传感网的仿真平台代码。 国内许多著名媒体报道,未来几年中国物联网产业市场规模将达到2000亿元,至2015年,中国物联网整体市场规模将达到7500亿元。 CCTV:http://www.cctv.com/international/special/cxkj/20100319/102985.shtml 东方卫视:http://tv.sohu.com/20100510/n272024075.shtml 温家宝总理去年8月在无锡的明确指示,中国物联网建设从概念推广、政策制定、配套建设到技术研发,都出现了快速的大规模发展。 温家宝09年11月3日上午在人民大会堂向首都科技界发表了题为《让科技引领中国可持续发展》的讲话,明确指出将物联网列入五大必 争产业制高点之一,要着力突破传感网物联网关键技术。
The source code of simulator sinalgo! (2010-05-20, Visual C++, 1147KB, 下载53次)


[文章/文档] erweiguancha

The establishment of two-dimensional projection (to glOrtho function) examples of works by modifying the parameters of two-dimensional window to verify, as I insinuate, as well as the effect of cutting, including the point of cutting, line cutting, tailoring and font face, such as the effect of cutting. (2008-12-20, Visual C++, 1165KB, 下载29次)


[文章/文档] jiudianguanli

A. 该系统面向的用户是酒店餐饮的前台服务员,厨房管理员,原材料的供货部门以及经理部门的管理人员。 B. 本系统可以在Windows98/ME/2000/XP 以及更高版本系统上稳定运行,有很强的兼容性。 C. 该系统有连网功能便于连锁经营,方便大型连锁企业进行该系统的管理。
A. The system is user-oriented front hotel and catering staff, kitchen managers, suppliers of raw materials sectors, as well as manager of sector managers. B. This system can, as well as later in the Windows98/ME/2000/XP stable operation of the system, has a strong compatibility. C. The system has networking features to facilitate chain operations to facilitate large chain enterprises in the management of the system. (2008-12-15, Visual C++, 8855KB, 下载14次)
