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[酒店行业] HotelMisReqirement

酒店管理系统 一、可行性研究与计划 随着旅游业的发展,酒店、餐饮娱乐行业日趋发达,引入全方位的 电脑服务和电脑管理日益流行。同时,酒店和餐厅娱乐业引入电脑服务 和管理也取得了优良的经济效益和社会效益。
A hotel management system, feasibility studies and plans with the development of tourism, hotel, restaurant and entertainment industries increasingly developed, the introduction of a full range of computer services and the increasing popularity of computer management. At the same time, hotels and restaurants and entertainment services and the management of the introduction of computers has also made good economic and social benefits. (2009-05-05, Objective-C, 40KB, 下载2次)
