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按分类查找All 教育系统应用(7) 
按平台查找All Visual Basic(7) 

[教育系统应用] chap4

To do with C# and database management system to manage the hotel hotel (2011-12-28, Visual Basic, 694KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] xsbm

good work (2011-04-27, Visual Basic, 1025KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] vbLibrary

vb+access 我专科毕业时候的毕业设计,实现基本功能,如有朋友需要可以下载来看看,绝对自己的原创,程序不难,就当学习用了,
vb+ access college graduates when I graduated from design, to achieve the basic functions, if a friend needs to look at can be downloaded absolutely your own original, the program is not difficult, we would be spent learning, (2008-03-23, Visual Basic, 43KB, 下载295次)


[教育系统应用] 435514114

详细说明:毕业论文中关于小型宾馆管理系统的详细设计毕 业论文中关于小型宾馆...一个酒店管理系统VB+Access [学生学籍管理系统(VB+Acess).zip] - !这个是刚刚编的毕业设计,可能不太完整,但是基本...
details : Thesis on the small hotel management system for the detailed design thesis on small hotel management system for the detailed design Thesis on small guesthouses ... a hotel management system VB Access [the Student Management System ( VB Acess). zip]-! This is just graduated series of the design, it may not be complete, but the basic (2007-05-21, Visual Basic, 1669KB, 下载114次)


[教育系统应用] 2216720

学生信息管理系统(VB+sql)+毕业论文2万字 (338 回复) 排课管理系统vb (278 回复) 求vb+acess做的超市销售管理...毕业设计(酒店管理系统+报告(分析==)) (306 回复) 宾馆管理信息系统(SQL) (115 回复) 宛枫书社图书管理系统软件...
Student Information Management System (VB sql) Thesis 20,000 words (338 back) v Course Scheduling Management System b (278 back) for vb acess to do ... Supermarket sales management graduate design (hotel management system report (Analysis ==)) (306 back) Hotels Management Information System (SQL) (115 back) Wan Feng Corinthians books management system software ... (2007-05-21, Visual Basic, 2442KB, 下载1315次)


[教育系统应用] del81053456254

详细说明:毕业论文中关于小型宾馆管理系统的详细设计毕 业论文中关于小型宾馆...一个酒店管理系统VB+Access [学生学籍管理系统(VB+Acess).zip] - !这个是刚刚编的毕业设计,可能不太完整,但是基本...
details : Thesis on the small hotel management system for the detailed design thesis on small hotel management system for the detailed design Thesis on small guesthouses ... a hotel management system VB Access [the Student Management System ( VB Acess). zip]-! This is just graduated series of the design, it may not be complete, but the basic (2007-05-21, Visual Basic, 1303KB, 下载223次)


[教育系统应用] vb学生信息管理系统(6)

学生信息管理系统(需要 SQL Server数据库支持)登录界面系统
Student Information Management System (need SQL Server database support) login interface system (2005-06-04, Visual Basic, 35KB, 下载235次)
