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[Java编程] excellent.rar

是一款强劲的B2C的网上购物软件,利用它我们能建立起强劲的、自由的、安全的购物平台.系统由C#及SqlServer开发, 是B/S(浏览器/服务器)结构的asp.net程序. 此版本对常用功能进行了更多整合: 投票功能 评论功能 快速注册或不注册即可购买 查看此商品的用户又查看了哪些商品的统计 购买此商品的用户又购买了哪些商品的统计 单件商品的快速收藏 可按商品编号搜索商品 新增积分换赠品的优惠方式 在有新定单、用户留言及用户对其订单声明"我己付款"时发邮件通知管理员 增加8848在线支付接口 增加网银在线支付接口 增加中文网服OIPS在线支付接口 增加西部在线支付接口 增加PayEX在线支付接口 增加PayPal在线支付接口。
is a strong B2C Internet shopping software, we can use it to establish a strong, free and safe shopping platform. System C# and patching development of the B/S (browser/server) structure of the Asp. Net procedures. This version of the common power will a more integrated : voting rapid functional comments function is not registered or registration can be purchased view this commodity users have to see what the statistics commodity purchase commodities users have purchased goods which the statistics of single pieces of the rapid collection of commodity goods can be No. integral search for new merchandise gifts in the form of concessions new orders, user messages and users of its orders statement, "I have to pay" when notified by mail administrators to increase 8,848 online pay (2005-06-05, Visual Basic, 131KB, 下载52次)
