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按分类查找All 图形图像处理(3) 
按平台查找All Visual Basic(3) 

[图形图像处理] vbpototexiao

VB image speed sharpening, contrast, brightness and other effects processing procedures, with the image filter effects, is a practical small VB6.0 effects of image processing procedures, with complete source code. In the aspect of image processing, has two functional modules: one is image adjustment, including brightness, contrast, color saturation adjustment, the two is the image filter, sharpen, blur, add diffusion, relief, contour, pencil drawing effect is good. (2014-07-07, Visual Basic, 18KB, 下载9次)


[图形图像处理] vbphototexiao

VB speed image sharpening, contrast, brightness and other effects processing procedures with image filter effects, is a practical compact VB6.0 image effects processing program, with full source code. In the processing of the picture, there are two functional modules: one image adjustments, including adjustments to brightness, contrast, color saturation, and second, image filters, you can add sharpen, soften, diffusion, relief, contours, pencil drawing, etc. effect, it is good. (2014-04-21, Visual Basic, 18KB, 下载26次)


[图形图像处理] ruihuafudiao

To achieve the effect of image sharpening and other relief. Of course, I get many times. I also forget to realize what effect, anyway, is about image processing class. (2012-08-01, Visual Basic, 83KB, 下载3次)
