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[系统设计方案] GPRS

GPRS数据监控系统的设计与实现,本文研究了数据监控系统的设计与实现。该系统由数据分析子系统和∋ ( 子系统两大部分组成。数据分析子系统在移动核心网络的􀀁 ) 、接口上抓取数据并进行协议解析, 将解析的结 果写入+ ,− . /0 数据库。通过12 3 3 技术构建子系统负责提取数据库中的数据, 生成详细而多样的统计报表。
GPRS data monitoring system design and implementation, this paper studies the design and implementation of data monitoring system. The system consists of the data analysis subsystem and ( sub system of the two major components. The data analysis subsystem in mobile core network ), grab the data interface and protocol analysis, the parse nodeThe fruit is written+,-. 0 database. By 1233 techniques to construct a subsystem is responsible for extracting the data in the database, generating detailed and diverse statistics (2012-03-12, Unix_Linux, 309KB, 下载11次)


[系统设计方案] KS8695X

KS8695X router (2009-04-02, Unix_Linux, 3941KB, 下载67次)
