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[编译器/解释器] byyl.pdf

编译原理(本科教学版第2版)》基于该书第2版进行改编,内容更加精练和实用,体系更加符合国内教学情况,适合作为高等院校计算机及相关专业本科生的编译原理课程的教材,也是广大研究人员和技术人员的极佳参考读物。 《编译原理(本科教学版第2版)》是编译领域无可替代的经典著作,被广大计算机专业人士誉为“龙书”。《编译原理(本科教学版第2版)》上一版自1986年出版以来,被世界各地的著名高等院校和研究机构(包括美国哥伦比亚大学。斯坦福大学、哈佛大学、普林斯顿大学。贝尔实验室)作为本科生和研究生的编译原理课程的教材。该书对我国高等计算机教育领域也产生了重大影响。 第2版对每一章都进行了全面的修订,以反映自上一版出版20多年来软件工程、程序设计语言和计算机体系结构方面的发展对编译技术的影响。第2版全面介绍了编译器的设计,并强调编译技术在软件设计和开发中的广泛应用。每章中都包含大量的习题和丰富的参考文献。 《编译原理(本科教学版第2版)》基于该书第2版进行改编,保留其中的基本内容,压缩或删除了一些高级内容,更适合作为国内高校计算机及相关专业本科生编译原理课程教材。
Compiler theory (Undergraduate Teaching edition 2nd edition) "based on an adaptation of the second edition of the book, the content is more concise and practical teaching system more in line with the domestic situation, suitable as computer and related institutions of higher learning undergraduate textbook compiler theory courses , but also the majority of researchers and technicians excellent reference books. "Compiler theory (Undergraduate Teaching edition 2nd edition)" is a classic compilation irreplaceable areas, the majority of computer professionals has been hailed as the "dragon book." "Compiler theory (Undergraduate Teaching edition 2nd edition)" since the previous edition published in 1986, was well-known universities and research institutions around the world (including Columbia University, Stanford University, Harvard University, Princeton University, Bell Labs ) as compiler theory textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses. Higher education in the field of computer bo (2014-06-13, Unix_Linux, 12100KB, 下载10次)
