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[书籍源码] 计算机断层成像技术谢强著中文版

这是谢强出版的CT技术及算法的专业书籍,适合硕博研究,开题,图像处理软件开发人员。 这是英文版的翻译版本,质量很好,向大家推荐啊 (2022-06-01, C/C++, 46713KB, 下载7次)


[书籍源码] 酒店房价多文件程序

Hotel room price multi file management program can help C language learners learn multi file compiler. (2021-01-24, C/C++, 2120KB, 下载0次)


[书籍源码] 新建文本文档

当a和b均为大于0的数时,计算直角三角形的面积s并返回, 当a和b的任一值,小于等于0,即不能构成三角形时,返回-1
Keyboard input two floating-point numbers as the two right triangle sides a and B, Function fun completed: When a and B are both numbers greater than 0, calculate the area s of the right triangle and return, When any value of a and B is less than or equal to 0, i.e. cannot form a triangle, return - 1 (2020-05-23, C/C++, 1KB, 下载0次)


[书籍源码] 剑指offer

This document refers to the source code implementation of offer book, but also in the process of looking for a job to brush the title record, you can download and learn, can pass the Niukee test. (2018-08-16, C/C++, 8KB, 下载3次)


[书籍源码] 酒店预订管理

Using C language to write a hotel reservation management system, in great detail, including the entire source code to the whole project (2017-06-22, C/C++, 190KB, 下载6次)


[书籍源码] 93C86_www.ic37.com

博通 93C76芯片的相关介绍文档和使用说明文档配置说明
The Microchip Technology Inc. 93C76/86 are 8K and 16K low voltage serial Electrically Erasable PROMs. The device memory is configured as x8 or x16 bits depending on the ORG pin setup. Advanced CMOS technology makes these devices ideal for low power non-volatile memory applications. These devices also have a Program Enable (PE) pin to allow the user to write protect the entire contents of the memory array. The 93C76/86 is available in standard 8-pin DIP and 8- pin surface mount SOIC packages. (2012-12-25, Visual C++, 75KB, 下载1次)


[书籍源码] pinke

Genuine fight off the system source code, to fight meal, fight to play, to fight the cause of so powerful (2010-03-22, ASP, 3991KB, 下载11次)


[书籍源码] hotelsystem

One with the. NET plus MSSQL writing hotel management system, suitable for beginners advanced stages of learning to use, very good. (2009-11-26, Visual C++, 599KB, 下载7次)


[书籍源码] lisanshuxue

The most comprehensive set of classic Discrete Mathematics Exercise is an essential book to exam. (2009-11-15, C/C++, 7434KB, 下载20次)


[书籍源码] 6

View Bowen, 21 days Xuetong vc++, CD-ROM with the book s source code, a total of 21 chapters, this is the content of Chapter 6. Great mass slowly. (2009-06-25, Visual C++, 17919KB, 下载8次)


[书籍源码] VCShuJuKuBianCheng

《Visual C++数据库通用模块开发与系统移植》,侯其锋等著,清华大学出版社。主要包括以下内容:用户登录模块、用户注册模块、数据显示模块、图片显示模块、文本编辑模块、打印和打印预览模块、报表模块、酒店管理系统、学生档案管理系统、宾馆管理系统、驾校管理信息系统、系统移植与升级等。
" Visual C++ Database Module development and system migration," the front waiting for Hou, Tsinghua University Press. Mainly include the following: user login module, the user registration module, data display module, image display module, a text editor module, print and print preview module, report module, the hotel management system, student records management system, hotel management system, management驾校information systems, system migration and upgrading. (2009-06-13, Visual C++, 49155KB, 下载119次)


[书籍源码] jdgl

A more complete management system for hotels VB source code. For many applications can be transferred. (2009-05-26, Visual Basic, 543KB, 下载7次)


[书籍源码] tktgcn2

淘客网上商店网站程序 淘客网上商店网站程序 淘客网上商店网站程序
Amoy-off procedures online store Web site off-line store site Amoy Amoy procedure procedure off-line store site (2009-05-04, ASP, 6210KB, 下载9次)


[书籍源码] diannaowang

管理首选:前台首页、后台首页、修改密码、退出管理 商品管理:添加商品、管理商品、类别管理、品牌设置、材质管理、单位管 理、供货商添加、供货商管理、商品评论管理、缺货商品管理、下架商品管理 财务管理:订单管理、用户积分管理、积分变动日志 销售管理:整体销售统计、商品销售排名、商品访问排名、分类访问排名、会 员消费额排名 用户管理:会员管理、管理员设置、会员等级管理、等级申请审核 信息管理:站内短信发布、站内短信管理、广告管理、新闻添加、新闻修改、 公告管理、VIP方案设置、其它信息设置、友情链接管理、会员邮件列表 系统管理:商城基本设置、支付方式管理、配送方式管理、客服QQ设置、在线 投票设置、所在省信息库、所在市信息库 系统数据维护:系统数据备分、恢复、压缩
Management of choice: front page, the background page, modify your password, from the management Commodity Management: Add merchandise, management of goods, category management, brand establishment, material management, unit control Rationale, suppliers add, supplier management, product reviews management, out-of-stock merchandise management, merchandise management shelves Financial Management: Order Management, the user points the management of changes in log points Sales Management: overall sales statistics, sales rankings, visit the rankings of goods, classification ranking visits would be Ranking member of the spending User Management: Membership management, administrator, member level management, application level audit Information Management: SMS release stations, stations SMS management, advertising management, adding news, information changes Notice management, VIP program settings, and other information settings, Link management, mailing list members System M (2009-04-15, ASP, 10032KB, 下载80次)


[书籍源码] hotel

visual basic 酒店管理系统
visual basic hotel management system (2008-09-25, Visual Basic, 1778KB, 下载8次)


[书籍源码] Hotel

Hotel source code, function more. Look back to benefit. Database with access. (2008-05-16, ASP, 653KB, 下载57次)


[书籍源码] VisualC++programergrowup

《Visual C++程序员成长攻略》 戴博-源代码.rar (2007-07-13, Visual C++, 4658KB, 下载41次)


[书籍源码] puyuado

数据库连接成功示例,使用C#语言编写。 多多练习,掌握技巧。
Database Connection successful examples, the use of C# language. Lot practice and master skills. (2006-08-16, C#, 1KB, 下载8次)


[书籍源码] ns

Xu Lei Mingqiu, PANG Bo, Zhao Yao. NS and network simulation of a CD-ROM on the procedures attached to answer (2006-03-28, C/C++, 623KB, 下载113次)


[书籍源码] 西部网安整站

程序内核采用万博中小企业网站管理系统,并做了一些防攻 击处理.安全方面绝对放心. 默认帐号:speed 默认密码:admin888
procedures used Huambo core SME website management systems, and has done a number of anti-attack treatment. Rest assured safety. Default Account : speed Default Password : admin888 (2006-02-13, ASP, 2673KB, 下载46次)
