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按分类查找All GDI/图象编程(21) 

[GDI/图象编程] ZhuoMiCutPictureX9_src

Cut a picture into multiple pictures, one click to generate a nine-court picture, used to send a circle of friends or micro-blog is very appropriate. (2019-06-20, C#, 140KB, 下载1次)


[GDI/图象编程] Q2

(Fig0441(一)_688x688.bmp)使用高通濾波器(高斯高通濾波器),以重複的結果圖。 4.56(如下圖所示),高斯高通濾波器
Using the highpass filter (Gaussian highpass filter) to duplicate the results in Gaussian highpass filte (2014-12-18, matlab, 3523KB, 下载1次)


[GDI/图象编程] EffectShow

Contains the complete the DIB image class, use the class to complete the most image manipulation BMP file. The example contains the image up, down, left, to right, up and down and move around the grid of vertical and horizontal blinds, mosaics, fade in fade effect programming. (2013-03-19, Visual C++, 986KB, 下载5次)


[GDI/图象编程] howto_make_metafile

Draw vector of GDI++ using C#, such as emf, wmf, and to achieve gdi++ advanced features: anti-aliasing, and transition effects. (2012-08-15, C#, 43KB, 下载77次)


[GDI/图象编程] Anti-aliasing

全屏抗锯齿和景深效果演示 演示如何实现全屏抗锯齿和景深效果. A键 - 开始全屏抗锯齿 D键 - 开始景深效 果 UP键 - 增加摄相机的焦距 N键 - 不要任何效果 DOWN键 - 减小摄相机的焦距
The full-screen anti-aliasing and depth of field demo demonstrates how to implement full-screen anti-aliasing and depth of field effect. A key- start full-screen anti-aliasing D key- the beginning of the depth of field effect Fruit UP key- to increase the camera s focal length N bond- do not have any effect DOWN key- to reduce the camera s focal length... (2012-02-29, C/C++, 221KB, 下载36次)


[GDI/图象编程] VisualC

1. \学习版Imgcx 打开文件夹Imgcx,执行SetUp,按提示安装Imgcx。该书各个章节所处理的图像都包含在安装后的文件夹…Imgcx\Image里。 2. \专业版Imgc 介绍该书配套的专业版软件Imgc。专业版软件包括该书全部图像处理的C语言源程序以及可执行的Visual C++ 界面源程序,可以满足大学教师、科研人员以及图像处理专业人员的需要。 3. \ImageSys试用版 包括通用图像处理系统ImgeSys的介绍和试用版的安装程序。通用图像处理系统ImageSys是一套大型专业图像处理软件,安装试用版后可以体会专业图像处理软件的魅力。 4. \动态图像处理 介绍北京现代富博科技有限公司的二维、三维动态图像处理软件系统。 5. \其他 介绍北京现代富博科技有限公司的其他软件产品。
1. \ Learning Edition Imgcx open the folder Imgcx, the implementation of SetUp, according to the prompts to install Imgcx. Sections of the book deals with the image are included in the installation folder ... Imgcx \ Image in. 2. \ Professional Edition Imgc supporting the professional version of the book introduces software Imgc. Professional image processing software, including all the book s C language source code and executable source code Visual C++ interface can meet the university teachers, researchers, and image processing professionals. 3. \ ImageSys trial, including image processing system ImgeSys General introduction and trial version of the installer. General image processing system ImageSys is a large professional image processing software, after installing the trial version you can experience the charm of professional image processing software. 4. \ Dynamic image processing the Beijing Modern Fu Bo Technology Co., Ltd. two-dimensional, three-dimensional dynamic image (2010-05-31, Visual C++, 17326KB, 下载51次)


[GDI/图象编程] water-tex

opengl 实现水波纹理的郊果。 带有贴图
opengl implementation of rural water wave texture fruit. With map (2010-02-22, Visual C++, 447KB, 下载69次)


[GDI/图象编程] ZJHClient

Golden fraud game client, based on the 6.5 version of the Fox network developed to optimize the part of the show, and the customer-side and server-side set aside view other players to change license plates and the back door, the game is online operations. (2009-10-11, Visual C++, 3218KB, 下载49次)


[GDI/图象编程] Pictureskills

图片效果技巧,四幅图片不断变换:推出 ,拉近,推拉,百叶窗,马赛克,拉幕,滚动等效果
Picture effect techniques, four images have been changing: the introduction, to narrow the gap, push and pull, shutters, mosaic, drawing screen, scroll, such as the effect of (2009-06-17, Visual Basic, 97KB, 下载6次)


[GDI/图象编程] picturechange

Using C# implementation of the picture conversion of small systems! With shutters and other effects! Relatively simple source code! (2009-02-24, C#, 38KB, 下载12次)


[GDI/图象编程] Plane

Barrage classic shooting game Oriental永夜copy of the generic version of a very high degree of simulation, including source code and resource files, development platform for the VC2003. (2008-12-09, Visual C++, 3040KB, 下载405次)


[GDI/图象编程] stretch

DEREXTORX developed using simple and basic, such as the effect of grating (2008-12-04, Visual C++, 48KB, 下载3次)


[GDI/图象编程] readbmp

讀取bmp圖檔,畫出histogram,減少spatial resolution,減少gray level resoluton,再畫出結果
Bmp files to read, draw histogram, reducing the spatial resolution, to reduce the gray level resoluton, and then draw the results of (2008-11-21, Visual C++, 1506KB, 下载10次)


[GDI/图象编程] CColor

A package of the HSL color category, offers two models, the familiar RGB mode, and the HSL model. RGB out of the use of such macros, and the class provides naming colors, is also very convenient to use. Can facilitate the use of such to complete the color gradient effects (2008-09-11, Visual C++, 37KB, 下载39次)


[GDI/图象编程] effectshow

Display images of several effects, including progressive scan, the downward scan, the level of movement, vertical movement, such as the effect of (2008-08-25, Visual C++, 114KB, 下载4次)


[GDI/图象编程] czbk-Russia

Chuanzhi podcast version of (2008-05-29, Java, 246KB, 下载3次)


[GDI/图象编程] zhifangtujunheng

View in the designated loading bitmap resources and displays the actual size, and so transform histogram equalization transform shows the effects of (2008-01-08, Visual C++, 90KB, 下载8次)


[GDI/图象编程] BackGroundDifference

the subroutines that can be directly added to the bcb program, Grasp will be able to direct the two images is done by the results, which will be shown in the image on (2006-11-30, Borland C++, 1KB, 下载11次)


[GDI/图象编程] DrawTextS

利用GDI+编写绘图程序,会比使用传统C++ MFC类绘图更有效率,而且支持透明等效果,使用GDI+的绘图函数编写程序,其语言与C#、JAVA语言及其相识,有帮与代码移植。
prepared using GDI drawing procedures than using traditional C++ MFC class graphics more efficient, but support transparency effects, the use of GDI drawing functions programming, their language and C#, Java language and its acquaintance, and code to help transplant. (2006-04-30, C++, 52KB, 下载45次)


[GDI/图象编程] cqa0412

care delete objects, how a fruit packaging and other library (2005-01-20, Visual C++, 188KB, 下载5次)
