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按分类查找All 绘图程序(16) 

[绘图程序] go-curve

Primitives and routines for 2D shapes, curves, and paths. A port of kurbo. (2024-06-23, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[绘图程序] RMD-Metal

Supplier, distribution alumunium and stainless stells (hospitals, kitchen, hotel, restaurant, curving, custom) (2024-04-08, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[绘图程序] geek-clock

drawing a geek clock with TikZ, (2015-11-04, TeX, 0KB, 下载0次)


[绘图程序] tikz-cabocha-format

係り受け解析の結果をcabocha formatて?latexに出力するためのtikzコート?を生成する,
The result of the analysis is that the cabocha format ? latex に output す た め tikz コ ー ト ? を generates す, (2023-01-09, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[绘图程序] learningcurve

[OLD] Homepage for Learning Curve Podcast , (2022-12-05, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[绘图程序] ConvexHull

Polygon Convex Hull Construction (2013-11-04, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载4次)


[绘图程序] DrawPicture

VC6.0 实现简单的画图程序,有旋转等效果。
VC6.0 achieve a simple drawing program, with a rotating and other effects. (2013-09-11, Visual C++, 1781KB, 下载4次)


[绘图程序] ReadDxf

read DXF (2012-11-06, C/C++, 1913KB, 下载6次)


[绘图程序] whitebroad

工 作 原 理 ---- 电 子 白 板 有 两 种 实 现 模 型, 一 种 是 无 白 板 服 务 器, 因 此 仅 支 持 两 个 用 户 直 接 连 结; 另 一 种 是 有 白 板 服 务 器, 原 则 上 不 限 制 同 时 上 线 人 数 和 交 谈 室 个 数, 具 体 实 现 上 可 视 服 务 器 性 能 和 需 要 而 定。 本 文 要 介 绍 属 于 后 者。
As the original work The white board, electric son has two kinds of reality is a type module, without white board, because this service is the only two teams up with door straight even" There is another kind of white board service, the original is not in line with the limits when people talk about room number and a number of implementation, depending on the service can now is sex can and will. This article will belong to the referral szabics after. (2010-07-13, Java, 45KB, 下载4次)


[绘图程序] agg-2.5

2D image rendering, such as anti-aliasing, mark, such as the effect of good coding style, the template used by most (2009-02-08, Visual C++, 12494KB, 下载43次)


[绘图程序] imagemaker

在实际项目中我们经常需要绘制一些实时的数据图片,比如当前各公司的用水量、用电量还有播放声音视频时实时显示当前的声频等等,在我们最熟悉的任务管理器也有这么一个功能,用来表示当前CPU的使用频率,最近笔者刚刚给朋友完成了一个类似的功能图,用曲线图来实时表示一些实际数据,由于形象直观,很受客户欢迎。 新闻来自: 新客网(www.xker.com) 详文参考:http://www.xker.com/page/e2008/0725/54949.html
In actual projects, we often need to draw pictures of some real-time data, such as the company s current water consumption, electricity consumption also play a sound when the video shows the current real-time audio and so on, when we are most familiar with the Task Manager also has such a function , used to indicate the current use of CPU frequency, most recently to a friend I had just completed a similar function chart, the curve in real time, said some of the actual data, because the image of intuitive, very popular with customers. Information from: New passenger network (www.xker.com) detailed reference text: http://www.xker.com/page/e2008/0725/54949.html (2008-11-19, Others, 3KB, 下载4次)


[绘图程序] 2008.0.12

绅博GDATA AntiVirenKit(中国)官方论坛_简易CAD绿色(测试)版 用c++写的一个仿二维CAD程序
Bo Chance GDATA AntiVirenKit (China) Official Forum _ simple CAD green (test) version with c++ Write an imitation of two-dimensional CAD program (2008-01-12, Visual C++, 414KB, 下载8次)


[绘图程序] taidengkongzhi

N盏灯排成一排,从1到N按顺序依次编号。有N个人也从1到N依次编号。第一个人(1号)将灯全部关闭。 第二个人(2号)将凡是2和2的倍数的灯打开。第三个人(3号)将凡是3和3的倍数的灯做相反的处理(如 果该灯为打开的,则将它关闭;如果该灯为关闭的,则将它打开)。以后的人都和3号一样,将凡是与自 己编号相同的灯,以及是自己编号倍数的灯做相反处理。请编写程序实现。要求:程序中要显示每一个人 所做工作的过程,例如:当第i个人操作时,则显示将i和i的倍数的灯做相反的处理过程;当第N个人操作 之后,显示灯的最后状态。(建议:采用图形法,显示每一盏灯,并为每一盏灯加边框,用不同的颜色显 示开灯或关灯)。
err (2007-12-14, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载9次)


[绘图程序] pindu

点阵式液晶图形显示模块画图功能的实现 西北工业大学 赵伟杰 范蟠果
dot-matrix liquid crystal display modules drawing Realization of the Northwest Industrial University Zhao Wei Fan Panguo (2006-03-23, C/C++, 6KB, 下载5次)


[绘图程序] sek_paint

一个超强的画图程序: 一个完全用VB写的画图程序,支持多种画笔,各种填充方法,多种画图方式,支持滤镜等效果。
a powerful drawing program : a full written by VB drawing program that supports a variety of brushes, Filled with various methods, a variety of drawing, such as support for filter effects. (2006-03-22, Visual Basic, 11KB, 下载63次)


[绘图程序] hsv

一個可顯示出調用HSV色彩的結果的程式, 可直接在 Color Space 上調用, 並顯示出 HSV與RGB 色彩比對.
a show called HSV color the results of the program can directly Color Space on the call, and show RGB and HSV color than the right. (2005-12-14, Delphi, 115KB, 下载22次)
