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按分类查找All 钩子与API截获(6) 

[钩子与API截获] BHO

Taobao PID hijacked plugin source, specifically hijacking Taobao off the PID (2013-08-22, Visual C++, 89KB, 下载29次)


[钩子与API截获] BHO

WHERE IS YOU I AM FORM JI NAN (2013-06-09, C++ Builder, 1KB, 下载6次)


[钩子与API截获] E4_4

茶壶的 各种操作,涵盖键盘事件的运用 ESC q键 透视,旋转等等,还包含放大等效果 (2012-12-24, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载4次)


[钩子与API截获] taobaoke

某高手破解淘宝客pid劫持卖家的插件核心源码 可以实现淘宝网址跳转,谨供学习,非法使用不承担法律责任
The plug core source can crack a master Taobao customer pid hijacking seller Taobao Address Jump should be for learning, not be liable for illegal use (2012-09-28, Perl, 1KB, 下载134次)


[钩子与API截获] SSDT--11

SSDT的全稱是System Services Descriptor Table,系統服務描述符表。這個表就是一個把ring3的Win32 API和ring0的內核API聯繫起來。SSDT並不僅僅只包含一個龐大的位址索引表,它還包含著一些其他有用的資訊,諸如位址索引的基底位址、服務函數個數等。   通過修改此表的函數位址可以對常用windows函數及API進行hook,從而實現對一些關心的系統動作進行過濾、監控的目的。一些HIPS、防毒軟體、系統監控、註冊表監控軟體往往會採用此介面來實現自己的監控模組,   目前極個別病毒確實會採用這種方法來保護自己或者破壞防毒軟體,但在這種病毒進入系統前如果防毒軟體能夠識別並清除它將沒有機會發作.
SSDT s full name is System Services Descriptor Table, the system service descriptor table. This is a table of the Win32 API and ring0 ring3 kernel API link. SSDT is not only a huge address contains only the index table, it also contains some other useful information, such as the address of the index base address, the number of functions and other services. Function by modifying the address of this table can be used for windows functions and API hook, in order to achieve the action of some concern to filter systems, surveillance purpose. Some HIPS, antivirus software, system monitoring, registry monitoring software often uses this interface to implement its own monitoring module, At present very few virus does use this method to protect themselves or to destroy anti-virus software, but if the virus before the antivirus software into the system and clear it will not be able to identify opportunities to attack. (2011-08-08, Visual C++, 328KB, 下载12次)


[钩子与API截获] FindManSrc

句柄值查询器. 可实现集灰色按钮客星、星号密码查看器、无效菜单激活器于一身的实用工具。由于现在很多程序员习惯把软件的密码或序列号事先计算出来,存放到一个不可见的控件元素中,所以,添加上类的搜索与关键字查询功能, 它还具有密码读取的能力。
handle inquiries for value. Set achievable gray button-passenger Star Password viewer, invalid menu activation device in a practical tool. Since many software programmers accustomed to the password or the serial number calculated in advance, a storage not visible to the control elements, so add a category search and keyword query, It also has the ability to read password. (2006-05-26, Visual Basic, 9KB, 下载460次)
