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[抢单] whatsapp-wsbot

WhatsApp云控,WhatsApp协议,集成了批量管理Ws频道号、群发广告消息、筛选WhatsApp号码、批量修改Ws账号资料、养号、客服台聊天、劫持号特殊通道登陆,免抢登、批量注册Ws个人号频道号等功能,使用简单易操作https: t.me era8787
WhatsApp Cloud Control, WhatsApp protocol, integrates functions such as batch management of Ws channel numbers, mass advertising messages, screening of WhatsApp numbers, batch modification of Ws account data, number maintenance, customer service station chat, special channel login of hijacked numbers, no rush to login, batch registration of Ws personal account channel numbers, and easy to use https: t.me era8787 (2023-12-25, Others, 0KB, 下载22次)


[抢单] net-chat-app

The customer service order grabbing app implemented using the api interface of the net open source customer service order grabbing service program on github (2016-03-06, Java, 809KB, 下载0次)


[抢单] net

Online chat and customer service order grabbing systems are built using libevent, including server and client code, and the compiler is g++4.8 (2016-03-07, C++, 146KB, 下载0次)
