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[多国语言处理] weshopPublic

基于Java+Springboot+vue+uniapp的智能小程序商城管理系统(源代码+数据库+15000字论文)本项目前后端分离,分为用户、商家、管理员三种角色 1、用户: - 注册、登录、商品购买、商品收藏、商品评论、公告信息、论坛信息、在线客服、订单管理、购物车、用...
Intelligent applet mall management system based on Java+Springboot+vue+uniapp (2024-01-13, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] weshopPublic

基于Java+Springboot+vue+uniapp的智能小程序商城管理系统(源代码+数据库+15000字论文)本项目前后端分离,分为用户、商家、管理员三种角色 1、用户: - 注册、登录、商品购买、商品收藏、商品评论、公告信息、论坛信息、在线客服、订单管理、购物车、用...
Intelligent applet mall management system based on Java+Springboot+vue+uniapp (2024-01-13, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] weshopPublic

基于Java+Springboot+vue+uniapp的智能小程序商城管理系统(源代码+数据库+15000字论文)本项目前后端分离,分为用户、商家、管理员三种角色 1、用户: - 注册、登录、商品购买、商品收藏、商品评论、公告信息、论坛信息、在线客服、订单管理、购物车、用...
Intelligent applet mall management system based on Java+Springboot+vue+uniapp (2024-01-13, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] RestHotel_PIT2023_Grupo_4

Font do projeto RestHotel da disciplina项目整合技术。O项目不包括酒店,娱乐...
Font do projeto RestHotel da disciplina Projeto Integrador de Tecnologia. O projeto consiste no gerenciamento de um hotel, contendo fun??es como controle de hóspedes, hospedagens, consumos e contas a pagar. (2023-12-05, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] scientifica

tall, condensed, bitmap font for geeks, (2022-07-08, Vim Script, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] JsoupCreeper

java携程爬虫 爬取酒店信息,进行简单的json处理 只是简单的实现爬取和解析关键 字 ,未进行代码 优化. 下一步项目采用spring boot方式进行工作分类, redis对url进行存取,最后入 库 ,添加动态ip代理池,进行 反反爬虫,
The Java Ctrip crawler crawls the hotel information, and simple json processing is just a simple implementation of crawling and parsing keywords, without code optimization In the next step, the project uses spring boot to classify the work. Redis accesses the url, and finally puts it into storage, adds a dynamic IP proxy pool, and performs anti crawler, (2019-04-05, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] FreeProgrammingBooks

从名 字 中可以看出,这个仓 库 主要是为开发者推荐一些免费编程书籍,但除此同时,上面也会推荐一些免费的编程课程、播客、网站等学习资源。,
As can be seen from the name, this repository mainly recommends some free programming books for developers, but in addition, it also recommends some free programming courses, podcasts, websites and other learning resources., (2021-05-25, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] commondraw

私人工程暂不提供接口文档,完成draw的 库 ,实现功能有1.colorpicker 颜色选择器控件2.brushpicker(drawpickertool)笔刷选择器支持铅笔,钢笔,圆珠笔,毛笔,mark笔,喷枪笔等效果,3.doodleview扩展surfaceview 实...,
Private projects do not provide interface documents for the time being, but complete the library of draw. The implementation functions include 1. colorpicker color selector control 2. brushpicker (drawpickertool) brush selector supports pencil, pen, ballpoint pen, brush, mark pen, airbrush pen and other effects, 3. doodleview extends the surfaceview reality, (2015-12-10, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] Taobao1

Multilingual Taobao off, the program can automatically translate the domain into many different languages. For example http://en.test.com is English, http://ru.test.com is Russian. (2010-08-30, C#, 304KB, 下载7次)


[多国语言处理] hotel_mamager_day03

java hotel management system for unix system administration and staff rooms (2009-07-15, Java, 244KB, 下载4次)


[多国语言处理] ftpvb

Ftp using vb developed customer service end, adapted to the initial learning (2008-12-09, VBScript, 42KB, 下载35次)


[多国语言处理] zhongkeyuanEnglish

So far, Chinese Academy of Sciences of English考博most information, including calendar year真题and simulation title, in addition to考博vocabulary, reading, writing and other special links. Up to 1,500 pages of information that enables easy examination, all reading is impossible, and want to have to choose the link (2008-11-09, PDF, 42459KB, 下载157次)


[多国语言处理] ACWPSv3rar

Ai-Bo Chinese word segmentation systems, the Chinese word segmentation, then the commercial applications, very good. (2008-08-14, Java, 3541KB, 下载7次)
