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[ListView/ListBox] sortlistview

Sort results can be realized form, you can also modify the effect of operation, etc. (2010-09-02, Visual C++, 29KB, 下载5次)


[ListView/ListBox] AddControls_src

Can achieve different styles of forms, including the effect of the selected dialog box, etc. (2010-09-02, Visual C++, 58KB, 下载4次)


[ListView/ListBox] SortList

10.1啦,庆祝祖国60华诞,祝我们的祖国繁荣富强, 永远屹立在世界的东方!!! 这是一个简单的CSortList类,及其演示工程, 在工程里的ReadMe.Txt有更新记录。 它也是由网络上搜集的资料整合而成,表示感谢! 这个LIST的特点是:可以有5种数据类型的排序, 还可以编辑指定范围的列项单元。 双击或回车可以激活编辑框,只有在回车后才可以 确认编辑。您可以根据需要再修改成其它方式。 最后,祝大侠们,10.1吃好喝好玩好! sck007 2009.09.29
10.1啦to celebrate the 60 anniversary of the motherland, I wish our motherland prosperous and strong, always stand in the east of the world! ! ! This is a simple CSortList class, and its demonstration project in the works inside the ReadMe.Txt have update our records. It is also on the data collected by the network integration is made thanks! This LIST is characterized by: You can have five kinds of data types, sorting, you can edit the column specified range of modules. Double-click or Enter to activate the edit box, only enter before they can confirm edit. You can change into other ways need to. Finally, I wish heroes who have 10.1 Chihaohehao play good! sck007 2009.09.29 (2009-09-29, Visual C++, 144KB, 下载8次)
