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[DirextX编程] DirectX教程

DirectX(Direct eXtension,简称DX)是由微软公司创建的多媒体编程接口,是一种应用程序接口(API)。DirectX可以让以windows为平台的游戏或多媒体程序获得更高的执行效率,加强3D图形和声音效果,并提供设计人员一个共同的硬件驱动标准,让游戏开发者不必为每一品牌的硬件来写不同的驱动程序,也降低用户安装及设置硬件的复杂度。DirectX已被广泛使用于Microsoft Windows、Microsoft XBOX、Microsoft XBOX 360和Microsoft XBOX ONE电子游戏开发。
DirectX (direct extension, referred to as DX) is created by Microsoft multimedia programming interface, is an application program interface (API). DirectX can make games or multimedia programs based on windows more efficient, enhance 3D graphics and sound effects, and provide designers with a common hardware driver standard, so that game developers do not have to write different drivers for each brand of hardware, and also reduce the complexity of user installation and setting hardware. DirectX has been widely used in the development of Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox 360 and Microsoft Xbox one video games. (2021-01-14, C/C++, 1381KB, 下载1次)


[DirextX编程] 001-D3d9HOOK环境搭建及d3d文字输出-代码

DXSDK_Feb10_DX11SDK配置 d3d9文字写屏测试
DXSDK? Feb10? Dx11sdk configuration D3d9 text writing screen test (2019-12-12, C/C++, 104KB, 下载3次)


[DirextX编程] MyTerrain

Directx write with cameras bullet particle effects, terrain effects such as walking (2013-09-07, Visual C++, 1344KB, 下载5次)


[DirextX编程] terrainEditor

DX9-based implementation, you can edit the terrain, you can dynamically generate grass with sky boxes, multi-layered textures to achieve other effects. (2013-07-05, Visual C++, 2325KB, 下载25次)


[DirextX编程] direct-movie-play-

directx 编写的视频播放器,系统装了解码器后可播放什么格式视频
What format video can be played after directx written video player system installed decoder (2013-01-20, Visual C++, 1572KB, 下载32次)


[DirextX编程] Game_11

Orcs take the weapons, in exchange for weapons, do actions such as slashing, the screen automatically rotate, move and other effects (2011-06-02, Visual C++, 5062KB, 下载11次)


[DirextX编程] sf_20069181627

渣打、博世、中萃、辉瑞、网易、TNT本周联合招聘实习生并接受简历推荐 以下企业已加盟“实习51”活动,并重点在本周进行招聘。童鞋们在活动页面报名后,只需通过初步简历筛选,即可由前程无忧将你的简历推荐给这些企业实习岗位。 据调查,推荐简历的面试...
Rich merchants (2011-05-12, Visual C++, 155KB, 下载3次)


[DirextX编程] directxchaptersamples

directx game programming the first code sample chapters 5,6,7,9,11,12, Zhou Guoqing Feng Chen Hong who compiled the results, and some sections of the sample source code has an error so I will not upload, fix errors in fragmented After the upload. (2010-09-25, Visual C++, 1338KB, 下载11次)


[DirextX编程] directxchapter4sample

Directx Game Programming Chapter 4, sample source code, Zhou Guoqing, Chen Hong, Feng who compiled the results, the ninth of Art- Game Development series of textbooks (2010-09-25, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载10次)


[DirextX编程] Bin

A high degree of imitation copy of the game永夜Oriental Dome, with VC++ and DirectX development (2009-04-20, Visual C++, 4184KB, 下载47次)


[DirextX编程] CHUD

DirectX 中实现MMORPG类游戏中的HUD功能。即人物头顶文字、血条等效果。因为HUD是在3D空间中,所以可以实现远近缩放效果。
DirectX implementation of MMORPG games in HUD functionality. That the figures above characters, the effect of blood, etc.. Since HUD is in the 3D space, so can achieve the effect of distance scaling. (2009-03-14, Visual C++, 1505KB, 下载92次)


[DirextX编程] Directx9_vc6_TransparentTexture_hzz_080610

Directx9+vc6实现纹理蒙板技术,即纹理镂空的效果,游戏中可用于表现栅栏等效果,用wasd可旋转场景。By hzz 080610。 (2008-07-04, Visual C++, 2251KB, 下载19次)


[DirextX编程] 1519418

aClock 多变小闹钟是一款计算机模拟的闹钟程序,不仅有显示时间,整点报时的功能,还可以设置任意个事件提示。有多款外观Skin可以选择,还可以选择使用数字式还是指针式表盘。 本文来源于虾客源码 http://www.xkxz.com
aClock changeable A small alarm clock is the clock computer simulation procedure is not only shows the time, The whole point timekeeping function, but also can set arbitrary incident suggested. Several appearance Skin can choose, but also the option of using a digital or dial pointer. This article comes from shrimp off http://www.xkxz.com FO (2007-05-10, Visual C++, 246KB, 下载40次)


[DirextX编程] dx3dparticle

vc with a 6.0, was based on the particle directx demonstration the system can be some slight modifications, such as flames, fountains and other effects (2007-03-06, Visual C++, 499KB, 下载140次)
