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按分类查找All 通讯编程文档(19) 

[通讯编程文档] 西门子博图TIA_Programming_guideline_DOC_v15_en

TIA protal programming guideline (2018-06-29, PLC, 2897KB, 下载5次)


[通讯编程文档] BOSCHESP

helpful knowledge of Bosch ESP. Not available on website (2016-12-06, C/C++, 2312KB, 下载20次)


[通讯编程文档] CAN

为适应“减少线束的数量”、“通过多个LAN,进行大量数据的高速通信”的需要,1986 年德国电气商博世公司开发出面向汽车的CAN 通信协议。此后,CAN 通过ISO11898 及ISO11519 进行了标准化,现在在欧洲已是汽车网络的标准协议。
To adapt to " reduce the wiring harness number through multiple LAN, a large number of data of high-speed communication needs, the 1986 German electrical Bosch developed the CAN communication protocol for automotive. Since then, CAN ISO11898 and ISO11519 standardization in Europe automotive network standard protocol. (2013-02-27, C/C++, 1169KB, 下载5次)


[通讯编程文档] 80211ac

80211ac 博通最新技术介绍,实用。
80211ac Broadcom latest technology introduced (2012-08-27, PDF, 1313KB, 下载18次)


[通讯编程文档] Oriental-electronic-protocol

Oriental electronic communication protocol (2012-07-05, WORD, 37KB, 下载9次)


[通讯编程文档] opnet

这是关于王文博老师出版的 opnet modeler的 书籍以及全部的课后题的opnet程序。
Then Wang Wenbo teacher opnet modeler to published books, as well as all after-school theme opnet program (2012-06-07, Others, 22386KB, 下载18次)


[通讯编程文档] EKFslamppt

Kalman filter detailed ppt, through which you can learn more about Bo Kalman filter, and knowledge of robot autonomous localization (2012-02-12, matlab, 9255KB, 下载31次)


[通讯编程文档] zaixiankefuxitong

Online Customer Service (2011-07-16, Visual C++, 3302KB, 下载2次)


[通讯编程文档] OPNET-thesis

About OPNET s thesis, you can refer to, foreign (2011-05-24, Others, 2592KB, 下载17次)


[通讯编程文档] Ques_temp

一個部份統計的結果 是用於資料分析與公用 是一枝搭花喵藍色狂想吼色
a home work whithw=djksadjapfqheih fjeoifjif fiejwo (2010-10-17, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载2次)


[通讯编程文档] ANewKindofSharpness2evaluation2functionofImage

 一种新的图像清晰度评价函数。准确有效的图像清晰度评价函数是采用数字图像处理技术实现自动调焦的关键。通过分析比较3 种聚焦效 果较好的清晰度评价函数,提出了一种基于聚焦窗口模式的平方梯度函数作为聚焦评价函数,建立了评价函数的数学模 型,并给出了实验分析和结果。与以往常用的评价函数相比,具有更高的可靠性和聚焦灵敏度。 关
A New Kind of Sharpness2evaluation2function of Image (2010-03-31, Visual C++, 266KB, 下载151次)


[通讯编程文档] DM

增量調製MATLAB源程序代碼。 增量調製編碼解碼波形仿真結果。
DELTA MODULATION (2009-12-03, matlab, 1KB, 下载72次)


[通讯编程文档] 1

uyftrdijouyghiokdfgdffdg fdkglfdg (2009-10-27, DOS, 931KB, 下载3次)


[通讯编程文档] OFDMchannelestimate

书文提出了一种称为平均反馈(AF)的新算法.该算法利用两个相邻的 0FDM符号之间的荧联信息对LS算法的估计结果进行平均和反馈.以减少离斯白噪声岛子信道间干扰(1cI)对信道估计结 果的影囔。
The book article proposed one kind is called the average to feed back (AF) the new algorithm. This algorithm uses two neighboring between the 0FDM mark the glimmer to unite the information to carry on the average and the feedback to the LS algorithm estimate result. Reduces to the Si white noise island sub-letter interference between channels (1cI) pair of channel estimates intends the fruit the shade nang. (2009-08-24, matlab, 309KB, 下载13次)


[通讯编程文档] An_Improved_of_spiht_Algorithm_Based_on_Variable_T

Wavelet transform for the traditional complex process shortcomings and repeat the process of SPIHT coding algorithm computation, the problem of storage capacity, first of all an analysis of wavelet and wavelet decomposition level of choice, and then a new threshold variable SPIHT algorithm The algorithm uses a variable threshold is not important to the SPIHT algorithm in the list of pixels (LIP) and list of important factors (LIS) classification has been a more efficient coding algorithm. The simulation results show that the algorithm is better than the overall performance of compression SPIHT algorithm. (2009-06-30, Others, 268KB, 下载7次)


[通讯编程文档] kkkk

对方身份个大概的规定防化服 身份是是是速度辅导的规定飞
asadssf f g g g (2009-05-12, Borland C++, 1KB, 下载2次)


[通讯编程文档] CANdll

can bus 动态链接库,由博世公司提供,与它的开发工具canoe,canopen,caneditor等有关
Dynamic Link Library can bus, provided by Robert Bosch GmbH, with its development tools, canoe, canopen, caneditor and other relevant (2008-10-16, C/C++, 339KB, 下载241次)


[通讯编程文档] ARM2410-SforUCOS

ARM2410-SforUCOS 不错的一本电子书,事博创原配的一本,里面介绍很详细
ARM2410-SforUCOS a good e-books, things Fiberxon the original one, which is very detailed introduction (2008-06-01, Unix_Linux, 3020KB, 下载121次)


[通讯编程文档] 33335

较 为 系 统 地 介绍 了 IP 电 话 技 术 的 原 理 和 相 关 协 议 , 描 述 了 SIP 的 相 关 实 体 、 服 务 分 层 和 消 息 处 理 过 程 , 结 合 嵌 入 式 技 术 设 计 、 实 现 了 一 个 基 于oSIP 协 议 栈 的 SIP 服 务 器 , 并 对 该 服 务 器 进 行 了 试 验 。
more systematic introduction of IP phone technology and the principle of the relevant agreements, the description of the SIP related entities, and news services layered process, with embedded technology design, Based on the realization of a oSIP protocol stack of SIP server, and on the servers of the test. (2006-10-18, Others, 1307KB, 下载53次)
