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[图形图像处理] shipinxitong-jiejuefangan

The initial solution of a home, school, student video learning system, involving something more, you can refer to (2015-03-06, WORD, 51KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] 11

Application can be used for college or provincial school outstanding deeds of outstanding individual materials (2014-03-07, WORD, 10KB, 下载1次)


[认证考试资料] 002

Computer organization, elite teacher within our students counseling information, and test computer professional graduate students can see (2012-04-10, WORD, 8833KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] dianzizhongkechengsheji

电子钟的设计 1.实现秒、分、时的计时,并显示于屏幕中央; 2.能够校时; 3.能够半点、整点报时
Designed with a specific function of a digital electronic clock (2012-01-10, WORD, 40KB, 下载3次)


[matlab编程] MATLABzhonghefudaohezhinan

The full name of the book " Mastering MATLAB-comprehensive counseling and guidance," Li Xi' an Jiaotong University is one thick, Ping-An Zhang translation school in 1997 after the publication of the article on the basics of using MATLAB are described, and examples of the way through the contents of plain and easy to make understand (2011-07-26, WORD, 610KB, 下载4次)


[教育系统应用] DB

校医院门诊收费管理系统的数据库设计报告。 其中包括可行性分析,数据字典,逻辑结构设计和概念结构设计等。
School management system for hospital outpatient charges for database design report. Including feasibility analysis, data dictionary, logical structure and conceptual design of the structure design. (2010-06-28, WORD, 23KB, 下载18次)


[系统设计方案] minshizeren

Police Academy graduation project, on the civil liability, Thesis reference. Hope being useful to people in need. (2010-06-06, WORD, 16KB, 下载1次)


[系统设计方案] wangluoseqingzhencha

Police Academy Graduation Class, Internet pornography detection method, students study for reference. Hope being useful to people in need. (2010-06-06, WORD, 172KB, 下载7次)


[系统设计方案] jinrongfanzui

Graduation Thesis of financial crime reference. Hope being useful to people in need. (2010-06-06, WORD, 24KB, 下载2次)


[系统设计方案] qinquan

Police Academy Graduation Thesis related information. Hope being useful to people in need. (2010-06-06, WORD, 161KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] time

本文介绍了利用quartus II软件进行的多功能数字时钟设计,实现保持、清零、快速校时、快速校分、整点报时、彩铃闹钟、星期显示等功能,并对每一模块分别进行解释。
This paper describes quartus II software, multi-functional digital clock design, implementation, maintain, clear, fast school, the rapid school hours, the whole point of time, ring tones alarm clock, week display function, and explain each module separately . (2010-04-13, WORD, 718KB, 下载18次)


[通讯编程文档] bianchengjingcui

编程精粹编写优质无错C程序秘诀 姜静波 佟金荣 译 麦中凡 校
Microsoft Techniques for Developing Bug-free C Programs (2009-10-05, WORD, 166KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] jifenshishuzidianyabiao

摘 要 本设计采用单片机(89S52芯片)为系统的控制核心。整个设计采用了模块化的设计思想,包括直流稳压电源模块、LED数码管显示模块、自动校零电路模块、采样电路模块、测量电路模块。
This system regards the request of the topic, adopting 80C51 for controlling core, (2009-08-26, WORD, 339KB, 下载31次)


[网络编程] DD

手机远程监控 出行万里无忧
Mobile Remote Monitoring worry-free travel thousands of miles (2009-08-26, WORD, 32KB, 下载14次)


[Windows编程] Ghost

用Ghost进行分区备份与恢复详细图解. 一步一步教你使用GHOST,配以丰富的截图,让你的系统后顾无忧.
hei.ghost..it is very good. (2009-05-31, WORD, 630KB, 下载4次)


[系统设计方案] hnsd

湖南师大虚拟校园的初步实现* 摘 要: ArcGIS9.0是美国环境系统研究所开发的新一代GIS软件,是世界上应用广泛的GIS软件之一,是我国GIS领域常用的商业软件,其功能十分强大。通过收集资料、资料预处理、矢量数字化、建立三维模型、导入模型、建立三维可视化等一系列步骤,利用ArcGIS 9.0软件,对湖南师范大学北校区虚拟校园进行了初步实现。通过虚拟校园,可将现实校园的各项资源数字化形成一个数字空间,实现学校的教学、科研、管理、服务等活动的全部过程,从而达到提高教学质量、科研水平、管理水平的目的。
err (2008-08-25, WORD, 708KB, 下载17次)


[单片机开发] shuzhizhong_kechengsheji

中南大学数字电子技术课程设计--数字钟的设计 一.设计目的 1. 进一步掌握各芯片的逻辑功能及使用方法。 2. 进一步掌握数字钟的设计方法和和计数器相互级联的方法。 3. 进一步掌握数字系统的设计和数字系统功能的测试方法。 4. 进一步掌握数字系统的制作和布线方法。 二.设计要求 1.设计指标  数字钟具有显示时、分、秒的功能;  有校时功能,可以分别对时及分进行单独校时,使其校正到标准时间;  计时过程具有报时功能,当时间到达整点前10秒进行蜂鸣报时,报时声音四低一高;  并且要求走时准确。 2.设计要求  画出电路原理图(或仿真电路图);  元器件及参数选择,有相关原器件清单; 3.制作要求 自行装配和调试,并能发现问题和解决问题。 4.编写设计报告 写出设计与制作的全过程,附上有关资料和图纸,有心得体会。
err (2008-01-17, WORD, 156KB, 下载120次)


[单片机开发] petyfer.RAR

【设计题目】 多功能数字钟的设计 【设计目的】 1掌握数字系统的分析和设计方法 2能够熟练的、合理的选用集成电路器件 3熟悉EWB软件的使用。 【设计指标及要求】 设计一个多功能数字钟,以一昼夜24小时为一个计数周期。准确计时,具有“时”“分”“秒”数字显示。整点能自动打点、报时。要求报时声响四低一高,最后一响为整点。具有校时功能。要求电路主要采用中小规模CMOS集成电路。要求电路尽量简化,并选用同类型的器件。在EWB电子工作平台上进行电路的设计和计算机仿真。
Title] [design multi-functional digital clock design 1] [designed to exploit the digital system analysis and design method of 2 to skilled, reasonable choice of integrated circuit device 3 familiar with the EWB software. [] Design specifications and requirements to design a multi-function digital clock, 24 hours a day for a cycle count. Accurate time, a when sub seconds The figures show. Automatically runs the whole point, the newspaper. Four-time low noise requirements of a high, the final point for the whole ring. With a school function. Requirements are mainly small and medium-sized circuits CMOS integrated circuits. Asked the circuit as simple as possible and select the same type of device. EWB work in the platform of electronic circuit design and computer simulation. (2008-01-03, WORD, 193KB, 下载24次)


[单片机开发] Cremote

51 infrared remote control microcontroller to accept the C language source code that can be applied to TV remote control (2007-06-06, WORD, 3KB, 下载458次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] 数字电子钟

数字电子钟 此数字电子钟具有的功能包括: 1. 计时,时、分、秒显示; 2. 十二小时与二十四小时之间的转换; 3. 上下午显示; 4. 对时、分、秒的校时功能; 5. 跑表功能。
digital electronic clock this digital electronic clock with functions include : 1. Time, hours, minutes and seconds display; 2. 12 hours with 24 hours of conversion; 3. On the afternoon show; 4. Right hours, minutes, and seconds school function; 5. Stopwatch functions . (2005-05-09, WORD, 7KB, 下载351次)
