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[网络编程] pccode_2006910125951577

NetTalk是一个适用于局域网和因特网的可视电话软件 一.开发环境 Windows2000 Server & Visual C++6.0 & SDK +自开发的CWndX类库(相当于简化的MFC涉及窗口的部分) 二.支持环境 Windows98/ME/2000/XP 三.所涉及协议和标准 网络传输采用UDP协议,音频压缩采用G.729标准,视频压缩采用H.263标准 四.性能参数 以音频帧为基准,每帧音频数据有240个采样点,时间为240*1000/8000=30ms,8000为音频的采样率。 数据接收端队列缓冲延迟:30*3=90ms 数据发送端录音延迟:30ms 数据压缩解压耗时:<40ms 网络延迟:<100ms(我想校网情况应该不错J) 总延迟:<260ms 根据VOIP标准,总延迟<300ms是人可以接受的,以上计算是保守的,实际情况可能会好得多。 (2007-07-31, Visual C++, 4054KB, 下载97次)


[网络编程] ACMonlinejudge

本系统从2003年完成雏形,开始作为中国科学技术大学ACM/ICPC(国际大学生程序设计竞赛)校内培训的题库及在线判题网站(http://acm.ustc.edu.cn),曾成功地承办过5次校内赛事.至今一直精心维护和逐步完善,并准备继续扩充题目数量, 网站内容和系统功能,更好地为我校ACM/ICPC赛事成绩贡献力量.
The system from prototype completed in 2003 and began as China' s Science and Technology University ACM/ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest) school training, sub-title of item bank and online web site (http://acm.ustc.edu.cn), has successfully the school hosted the event five times. has been careful to maintain and gradually improved and is ready to continue to expand the number of topics, website content and system functions to better serve our university ACM/ICPC Result contribute. (2009-09-24, PHP, 220KB, 下载50次)


[网络编程] astime_src

school procedures (2004-09-08, Visual C++, 14KB, 下载30次)


[网络编程] Computer_Network_lecture_1

Computer network lecture from peking university (2009-06-24, C/C++, 6168KB, 下载16次)


[网络编程] Computer_Network_lecture_2

Computer network lecture from peking university (2009-06-24, C/C++, 9505KB, 下载12次)


[网络编程] 全国招聘数据

用于爬去前程无忧招聘信息,可以爬取 人工智能 python 等十几种职业
Used to climb the future worry-free recruitment information (2019-01-26, Python, 2KB, 下载7次)


[网络编程] Python抓取51job

It is suitable for beginners of python, flexibly learning and using crawlers to crawl the desired information. (2019-05-09, Python, 8KB, 下载6次)


[网络编程] Mini-network-of-schools

Mini-network of schools, with 14 remote time synchronization server, the the Express time when the school! (2013-04-01, Visual Basic, 141KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] astime_src

一个简易Internet校时程序-school procedures
school procedures (2013-05-04, Visual C++, 14KB, 下载4次)


[网络编程] 8852962

A campus network planning and design (2014-11-05, Others, 36KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] Score

校无忧成绩查询系统是为了满足学校教务管理中学生成绩查询的需求而制作,提高了学校教务管理的方便和实用性。系统适用于学校、教育机构、企事业单位在互联网上进行网上成绩查询的在线平台。 系统主要功能: 1、页面基本信息设置 2、多类别成绩查询 3、科目自定义设置 4、批量导入导出成绩
The school anxiety inquiry system is designed to meet the needs of students' educational management in middle school, and improve the convenience and practicability of school administration. The system applies to schools, educational institutions, enterprises and institutions on the Internet online query results online platform. Main functions of the system: 1, the basic information page settings 2, multi class results query 3, subject custom settings 4, batch import and export results (2017-07-04, ASP, 371KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] 《高手寂寞2》(校对版全本)作者:兰帝魅晨

in my hert that is very eazy to use.when you have some things th (2017-12-29, PPT, 4926KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] 444

In the field of education, the use of computer multimedia and network information technology to promote the overall reform of education, so as to adapt to the new requirements of the information society for educational development. To improve teaching quality, to promote teaching quality is more suitable for teaching class, is the main body of teaching activities. Encouraging teachers' academic exchanges and conducting teaching evaluation is an important way for schools to monitor teaching quality and strengthen teaching quality management.
In the field of education, the use of computer multimedia and network information technology to promote the overall reform of education, so as to adapt to the new requirements of the information society for educational development. To improve teaching quality, to promote teaching quality is more suitable for teaching class, is the main body of teaching activities. Encouraging teachers' academic exchanges and conducting teaching evaluation is an important way for schools to monitor teaching quality and strengthen teaching quality management. (2017-07-11, ASP, 1620KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] Qava-lighting

java+jsp华源网校+西部软件jsp版 很好的,不错的源码
Java+ JSP huayuan lighting JSP+ western software version is very good, good source (2017-04-10, Java, 406KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] doh-client-analysis-scripts

This repository contains scripts used when generating traffic towards various public resolvers in the context of the redaction of the art… (2024-01-14, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] TCPIV_2023_2

IFRJ-Paulo de Frontin校区-TCPIV 2023.02
IFRJ - Campus Paulo de Frontin - TCPIV 2023.02 (2023-12-05, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] 51jobs

just a simple python ...you konw (2019-12-26, Python, 4486KB, 下载0次)
