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[医药行业] 637

基于SSM+MySQL+Layui的药品销售管理系统(附论文)(毕业设计),基于SSM+MySQL+Layui的药品销售管理系统(附论文),包含管理员,用户,医生角色。整体功能包含首页信息,药品信息,我的个人中心,购物车管理,客户信息,用户管理,医生管理,药品分类管理,订单配送管理,系统管理,订单分类管理等。源码乐园专注提供优质源码,访问地址http://code51.cn (2024-06-19, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[医药行业] 618

基于SSM+SpringBoot+MySQL+Vue的医院挂号排班信息管理系统(附论文)(毕业设计),基于SSM+SpringBoot+MySQL+Vue的医院挂号排班信息管理系统(附论文),包含病人,医生,管理员角色。整体功能包含医生信息管理,患者信息管理,挂号信息列表,医药信息管理,检查项目管理,病床信息管理,值班安排信息,数据分析,预约挂号,我的挂号,我的住院,个人信息,当天挂号,我的挂号,申请当天入院,个人信息管理。源码乐园专注提供优质源码,访问地址http://code51.cn (2024-06-19, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[医药行业] jiuyuan_medical_dataset

面向家庭常见疾病的知识图谱涵盖了常见医疗相关信息,包括常见疾病、症状、治疗手段、常用药物、推荐食谱等方面的内容。在目前新冠疫情流行的大环境下,以医疗知识图谱为基础的问答系统旨在让大众足不出户即可对疾病的进行初步判断、用药以改善病情。源数据集地址:http: data.openkg.cn dataset medicalgraph
The knowledge map for common family diseases covers common medical information, including common diseases, symptoms, treatment methods, commonly used drugs, recommended recipes, etc. In the current context of the epidemic of COVID-19, the question and answer system based on the medical knowledge map aims to enable the public to make preliminary judgments on diseases and use drugs to improve their conditions without leaving home. Source dataset address: http: data.openkg.cn dataset medicalgraph (2024-05-16, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[医药行业] main

To develop a well-known enterprises in Jiangsu Medical shadowless control program has hundreds of sets of normal use, the problem does not occur. (2016-03-20, C/C++, 2KB, 下载5次)


[医药行业] check0

Drug verification reporting system for drug manufacturers reported injection drugs verification information. (2010-11-19, PowerBuilder, 101KB, 下载5次)


[医药行业] 45215423011255

Medical Group website system source code, domain-tech company' s website management system source code download commercial version, in English, Traditional and trilingual free enterprise website management system to generate static html files of beautiful black wind style (2010-04-24, Visual C++, 2943KB, 下载9次)


[医药行业] medichinemanagement

仓储药房管理系统需求分析:包括管理员登录,用户登录 功能:药 品 信 息 管 理,库 存 信 息 管 理,前台销售信息管理,用 户 资 料购 买 结 算 管 理,制定采购计划管理,
Storage pharmacy management system requirements analysis: including the administrator login, the user login function: Drug information management, inventory information management, front desk sales information management, billing management of user information to buy, develop procurement program management, (2010-04-07, Others, 294KB, 下载12次)


[医药行业] fggr

我国医疗器械的需求量将呈继续上升的态势,国内医疗器械市场前景将更加广阔。医疗器械企业的主要业务过程就是货物与资金的流转交替运作。从进货到库存、销售,即是一次完整的过程。这个过程设计得越合理,出错率就越小、周期就越短、资金周转的速度就越快,企业效益就会成倍增加,因此,我们推出了医疗行业进销存管理系统软件。 以永和医疗器械公司为背景,该系统对公司购销业务流程、内部调拨流程、财务审核流程、盘点管理等全程反映、控制、数据一体化,减少劳动强度、避免出错、明显提高企业管理水平。本设计对医疗器械有效期管理、销售管理有独到之处,可以设定库房医疗器械到期时间、按发出单位追踪发出货物有效期。保持合理的库存量,防止脱销与超储的发生,防止医疗器械过期失效,减少不必要的损失。
The old model of information sharing is based on a one-to-many distribution. It is constructed and controlled from the top of a hierarchical organization. For example, in the model followed by traditional media, a writer or team of writers is under one or more editors representing the interests of owners, engaged in sending one or more messages to readers, listeners, or watchers. The information flows in one direction only— from the media outlet to its consumers. (2010-03-04, Visual Basic, 984KB, 下载14次)


[医药行业] Yiyao_qiye_zhonghe_xingxi_guanLi_xitong

本系统以Visual C++开发“医药企业综合信息管理系统”为背景,按照商业信息管理系统设计的实现过程,循序渐进的介绍商业信息管理系统开发的思路、方法和技巧。
The system to Visual C++ development " pharmaceutical companies an integrated information management system" as the background, according to business information management system for the design, realization process, step by step introduction to business information management system for the development of ideas, methods and techniques. (2010-01-04, Visual C++, 5048KB, 下载50次)


[医药行业] Hospital

医院管理信息系统 在运行系统前,首先要安装SQL Server数据库,注意要设定用户名为“sa”,密码为空。 可以有两种方法创建该数据库: 1.使用SQL server查询分析器运行Database目录下的sql.txt中的sql语句,这样会创建Hospital数据库。 2.使用sql server的企业管理器直接附加“附加数据库文件”目录下的Hospital.mdf文件。
Hospital Management Information System in operating system, we should first install the SQL Server database, Note To configure a user named " sa" , password is blank. There are two ways you can create the database: 1. Using the SQL server Query Analyzer run the Database directory sql.txt the sql statement, which will create the Hospital Database. 2. Using sql server enterprise manager direct-attached " Additional Database Files" directory under the Hospital.mdf file. (2009-12-13, Visual C++, 2422KB, 下载11次)


[医药行业] qiyerenshi

This is the pharmaceutical industry personnel management of a small tool, it should be good (2009-06-23, Visual C++, 42KB, 下载4次)


[医药行业] LXPos

pos sys (2009-05-25, Visual Basic, 2737KB, 下载8次)


[医药行业] doctor-dev

医院软件开发企业展望 如何在日益竞争激烈的市场生存
Hospital how software development business outlook in an increasingly competitive market Survive (2009-03-19, Visual C++, 138KB, 下载5次)



Invoicing drugs benefit management system. This system is fully competent to the management of small businesses, others in this product can be conducted on the basis of secondary development! Are interested in their own, the function of relatively complete! Development environment for more than VB.net (2008-04-09, Visual Basic, 5353KB, 下载673次)


[医药行业] ypjxcxt

Purchase, Sales and Inventory Management System Drugs (Delphi version), suitable for small and medium-sized management (2008-03-11, Delphi, 194KB, 下载20次)


[医药行业] hospitalManageSystem

医院信息系统 方法一: 1.运行SQL Server 2000的查询分析器,单击“装载SQL脚本”快捷按钮,打开例程目录下SQL目录里的SQL_HMIS.sql文件,单击“执行查询”快捷按钮运行打开的SQL语句,这样就建立了医院信息系统的数据库结构。 2.输入初始数据,参见表9-27到表9-29。 方法二: 1.运行SQL Server 2000的企业管理器,新建一个数据库,命名为HMIS。 2.选中HMIS数据库单击右键,在弹出菜单中选择“所有任务”子菜单下的“还原数据库”菜单项,打开“还原 数据库”窗口,选上“从设备”单选框,单击【选择设备】按钮,打开“选择还原设备”窗口,再单击【添 加】按钮,选择Data_HMIS文件后,一直单击【确定】按钮就可以完成数据库的还原操作。 (2008-03-06, Delphi, 2974KB, 下载33次)


[医药行业] vc

Visual C++ “医药企业综合信息管理系统”
Visual C++ Pharmaceutical enterprises integrated information management system (2008-01-06, Visual C++, 6242KB, 下载47次)


[医药行业] mingrisoft

Source of pharmaceutical enterprises, including warehousing and all other functions of the Treasury (2007-07-17, Visual C++, 5163KB, 下载21次)


[医药行业] yao

the drug enterprises Invoicing software, delphi and the use of language as a development tool sql2000 (2007-07-04, Delphi, 422KB, 下载7次)


[医药行业] BLGL

medical records management system, I downloaded from the medical network for information. (2006-08-04, Delphi, 179KB, 下载45次)
