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[软件工程] 永宏plc解密(工控技術)

Available for testing uncertain decryption can meet your requirements.
Available for testing uncertain decryption can meet your requirements. (2019-06-07, WINDOWS, 1027KB, 下载9次)


[软件工程] GJB 5000A-2008 军用软件研制能力成熟度模型

GJB 5000A-2008 军用软件研制能力成熟度模型 软件成熟度模型的核心思想是,把软件开发视为一个过程,并根据这一原则对软件开发和维护进行过程监控和研究,以使其更加科学化、标准化、使企业能够更好地实现商业目标。
GJB 5000A-2008 military software development capability maturity model The core idea of software maturity model, the software development as a process, and according to the principle of process monitoring and Research on software development and maintenance, in order to make it more scientific and standardized, so that enterprises can better achieve business goals. (2017-07-15, WINDOWS, 13985KB, 下载28次)
