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[百货/超市行业] shop7z_pjb_v2.3

Shop7z online shopping system is based on ASP development, simple and easy to use the mall building platform, Shop7z can meet different enterprises, individuals of various online shop requirements! A popular version is a set of easy-to-use mall system, support the commercial bulk upload pictures, Taobao products import, batch modify and other practical functions, also supports the mobile phone version and APP integration, universal edition supports 4 different template style, support Alipay, caifutong, online payment in line interface, the system also supports new orders, a variety of sorting mail notification, goods belonging to multi functional classification, support the five member price system etc.. (2017-06-29, WINDOWS, 7748KB, 下载5次)


[百货/超市行业] 诚信商店企业免费版 第二版

integrity store system source code (2004-12-24, WINDOWS, 1316KB, 下载13次)
