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[Ajax] DocumentManage_51aspx

Asp.net企业信息文档管理系统 一个可以用于企业内部的文档资料管理的系统平台,利用TreeView控件进行树控制 有类别管理、文档管理、添加文档、浏览文档、附件管理、角色管理、添加角色、用户管理功能模块。 操作过程中: 1:选择上下移动按钮可以改变角色的排列顺序; 2:选择"pen"型按钮可以修改你所选的角色,并在下面的文本框中填写修改后的角色名称; 3:选择"X"型按钮可以删除你所选的角色。
Asp.net enterprise information document management system A system platform that can be used for management of document data within an enterprise, using TreeView controls to control tree control There are category management, document management, adding documents, browsing documents, attachments management, role management, adding roles, and user management function modules. In the process of operation: 1: selects the up and down buttons to change the sequence of the roles. 2: select the "pen" button to modify the role you choose and fill in the modified role name in the following text box; 3: selects the "X" button to delete the role you choose. (2018-01-17, WINDOWS, 1045KB, 下载4次)
