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[系统/网络安全] ncat-portable-5.59BETA1

A tool for reading and writing data in the network through TCP / UDP. Its main functions include port scanning, file transmission, instant communication with friends, streaming media transmission, or as an independent client used to verify the server (2020-12-15, WINDOWS, 651KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] digital-signature

In this paper, you can understand the basic principles and application methods of digital signature easily and easily through simple and easy explanation. You can read this article even if you are a master of computers who are not proficient in computers. Then we step into the technical details and finally give a DEMO that uses digital signatures in the B/S information system. (2018-03-16, WINDOWS, 415KB, 下载1次)


[系统/网络安全] 黑防灰鸽子12.30脱壳免杀版.exe

灰鸽子远程控制软件,又叫灰鸽子( Huigezi)。功能十分强大,远程桌面、摄像头、麦克风、文件操作、网页访问记录、文件操作记录、移动硬盘监控等,主要针对企业防机密外泄。
Gray dove remote control software, also called Gray dove (Huigezi). Function is very powerful, remote desktop, camera, microphone, file operation, web access records, file operation records, mobile hard disk monitoring, etc., mainly for enterprise confidential leakage. (2017-11-06, WINDOWS, 3237KB, 下载23次)
