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按分类查找All 手机短信编程(2) 
按平台查找All C++ Builder(2) 

[手机短信编程] smsvbnet

To make your own messaging application software functions, such as the development of all start from the bottom to spend a lot of manpower, material resources, but also the relevant communication of GSM standard, the development cycle is relatively long. In order to allow companies to quickly develop applications with SMS functionality, the company offers a high reliability of the SMS development kit, support for the send and receive text messages in English, to support all the messages currently on the market equipment. (2010-08-20, C++ Builder, 655KB, 下载4次)


[手机短信编程] empp

Shanghai Mobile Communications- Enterprise SMS communication platform interface protocol empp (2010-06-22, C++ Builder, 19KB, 下载87次)
