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按分类查找All 教育系统应用(2) 
按平台查找All C++ Builder(2) 

[教育系统应用] booksale

Library management system can easily book all aspects of the sales process, help speed up books like corporate liquidity, help enterprises to reduce the cost, even if they are more conducive to master a variety of sales and inventory information, but now most of the system design are not take into account future needs, designing the interface is not flexible enough, so that the current environment after the change are not well adapt to the new environment, resulting in a short lifetime software, in order to achieve the software life extension, you must design software, the whole process of filling into a dynamic anticipatory design, as long as this in the future conditions changed, the software only partially able to make some adjustments to adapt to the new environment. (2013-06-26, C++ Builder, 218KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] ydhxt

大学田径运动会管理系统,企业级软件源代码。采用C++Builder + Sql Server开发。
University Games management systems, enterprise-class software source code. Using C Builder Sql Server. (2006-04-10, C++ Builder, 5399KB, 下载97次)
