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按平台查找All C++ Builder(19) 

[单片机开发] PhoenixSuit_CN

somethign tool about rebootload k62 app. (2016-12-17, C++ Builder, 14615KB, 下载5次)


[单片机开发] ppxqqmusic

1.采用二级分类结构,二级栏目下拉菜单全自动生成,节省页面空间,结构也更加清晰. 2.首页数据统计功能,包括新闻统计,专辑统计,歌曲统计,会员统计. 3.娱乐新闻,站内新闻 4.图片新闻功能,其中图片新闻支持首页推荐功能.
1. The use of secondary classification structure, two columns drop-down menu generated automatically save page space, the structure is more clear. 2. Home statistical functions, including statistical information, statistical album, song statistics, membership statistics. 3. entertainment news, news station 4. The image news features, photo news Home Recommended support functions. (2016-03-08, C++ Builder, 735KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] MF_CV520_CN

RC522 Data Sheet. (2015-11-06, C++ Builder, 818KB, 下载51次)


[单片机开发] RDA5807p

FM单芯片收音IC(RDA5807SP)与 LCD型MCU 相结合,集成度高,外围少,基于DSP数字RF架构,彻底免生产调试。极大地减少了人力,物力,提高生产效率,整体方案比传统PLL方案便宜百分之20以上,性价比高, FM方案成熟,已大批量投产。 本程序RDA5807p驱动程序,是企业级代码,完整规范,可以移植到任何51单片机甚至stm32,毫无压力! 注意:此方案在iic总线上挂在多个器件,参考价值很高。
FM radio single chip IC (RDA5807SP) combined with MCU LCD type, high integration, less peripheral, based on DSP digital RF architecture, completely free production debugging.Greatly reduce the manpower, material resources, improve the production efficiency, the overall scheme is much cheaper than traditional PLL scheme by more than twenty percent, cost-effective, FM scheme mature, has the mass production. Is an enterprise level RDA5807p driver, the program code, complete specifications, can be ported to any 51 single chip microcomputer stm32 even, without any pressure! Note: this plan on the iic bus hung on multiple devices, a high reference value. (2015-06-24, C++ Builder, 6KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] index

Chinadaily.com.cn is the largest English portal in China, providing news, business information, BBS, learning materials. The Website has channels as China
I send warmChinadaily.com.cn is the largest English portal in China, providing news, business information, BBS, learning materials. The Website has channels as China (2015-06-21, C++ Builder, 4KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] ahs

Program c18_cdmacal verify Rice factor K = 100dB signal-to-noise ratio changes symbol error probability. (2013-03-03, C++ Builder, 3KB, 下载6次)


[单片机开发] (CN)8051_OCD_ICE_For_Keil_v2.60

Macroblock (Macroblock) launched a new generation of constant current LED driver chip with programmable current gain function and message in error detection function (In-MessageErrorDetection) MBI5036, allegedly allows LED full color display shows the screen to easily upgrade. MBI5036, accumulation of technology is introduced in addition to the previous generation products MBI5026 simple operating outside (2013-01-03, C++ Builder, 2327KB, 下载32次)


[单片机开发] STM32_LCD_OV7670.rar

存在很多局限。例如:报警中心地点和人员需固定,报警通信速度慢,反向查询、控制等 操作困难而专业,电话线断线问题难以解决,通信费用、尤其是远程通信费用较高,不利于 组建远程网络,通信带宽太小,加载信息量少,音视频信号的技术手段应用困难, 很难应 用于家庭安防市场等等。 而彩信业务自中国移动从2002 年9 月正式推出以来,随着彩信网络工程的建立和不 断地优化,彩信逐渐进入了高速发展和稳定应用阶段。所以人们越来越关注于依托中国移动 网络、基于彩信业务来发展现代的电子防盗报警系统, 从而能在此系统上发挥其随时随地 监控、网络涵盖范围大、查询控制等操作简便、费用低、报警通信速度快、音视频应用简易 等众多优势,使其能广泛应用于家庭、办公、工厂、商铺等等各种场所。 系统硬件设计
There are many limitations. For example: alarm center location and staff should be fixed, alarm communications speed slow, reverse inquiry, control and so on Difficult operation, and professional, the telephone line break the problem is difficult to solve, communication costs, especially the remote communication cost is higher, go against Form a remote network, communication bandwidth is too small, loading less information, audio and video signal technology application difficulty, it is difficult to should be Used for family security market, and so on. And MMS business since China mobile from September 2002 officially launched since, with the establishment of the network project, the MMS and not Break the ground optimization, MMS gradually into the high speed development and stability application stage. So people pay more and more attention to rely on China mobile Network, based on the development of modern business MMS to electronic security alarm system, thus in the system can (2012-06-06, C++ Builder, 1868KB, 下载8次)


[单片机开发] AN-718_cn

ADuC7020评估板参考指南,MicroConverter? ADUC7020开发系统
ADuC7020 Evaluation Board Reference Guide, MicroConverter ? ADUC7020 Development System (2011-06-08, C++ Builder, 401KB, 下载7次)


[单片机开发] stm32f103-cn-pdf

STM32F103PDF Chinese data, including the selection, register details (2011-04-01, C++ Builder, 1599KB, 下载122次)


[单片机开发] ATmega64(L)P_cn

ATMEGA64 user manual, can not refer to the next down, the official manual (2010-11-30, C++ Builder, 2342KB, 下载5次)


[单片机开发] 11111

Frequency source generator to generate different frequencies and a digital control display. (2010-07-09, C++ Builder, 1KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] AAD7EC67-FFFE-46C3-91FC-2280AF18DEDD

B2C e-commerce businesses---豆瓣network. DocB2C e-commerce businesses---豆瓣network. DocB2C e-commerce businesses---豆瓣network. DocB2C e-commerce businesses---豆瓣network. DocB2C e-commerce businesses---豆瓣network. doc (2010-01-07, C++ Builder, 518KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] main

Measurement of the signal pulse-width 430 microcontroller, MSP430F149 (2009-10-04, C++ Builder, 1KB, 下载21次)


[单片机开发] ATmega128_cn

ATMEGA128 MCU DATASHEET (2009-09-22, C++ Builder, 2538KB, 下载5次)


[单片机开发] stepmotor

stepmotors。 (2009-05-11, C++ Builder, 1944KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] ppingCity

Wuhan Technology Development Co., Ltd. is engaged in an intelligent sensor IC card terminal equipment identification and development system Integration of high-tech enterprises. Years with the well-known brand, providing customers with attendance, access control, consumption, patrolling, meeting attendance, Automatic car park management, corporate card, campuswide, Intelligent Community, Intelligent Building Integrated Management, systems solutions. Because quality is stable and reliable powerful, the Hubei market services of more than 200 users, Hubei is the IC card system leading enterprises. (2007-05-21, C++ Builder, 40KB, 下载73次)


[单片机开发] MYSOFT

最酷的菜单制作工具,适合于企业,学校电脑培训的机房的管理, 也非常适用于各种电脑游戏室的管理. 附带所有原程序(包括其安装和说明程序)c语言事件驱动编程,tc20和bc3.1 编绎能通过. 软件说明: menustar目录下为可运行程序, 可运行readme参阅详细说明, 运行install 安装后根据说明书编辑其安装的目录下的数据文件(example目录下有例子), 完成后运行start.bat开始菜单运行.
coolest menu tool, which is suitable for businesses, schools, computer training room at the management, also apply to computer games room management. All the original collateral (including its installation and description of the procedure) c language thing Driving program, and bc3.1 tc20 series unravel through. Software : menustar directory to be operating procedures, operational details refer to the readme, Operation install after the installation of manual editing under its installation directory data files (example CONTENTS recorded a case), after the completion of Operation start.bat Start menu operation. (2007-01-07, C++ Builder, 17KB, 下载9次)


[单片机开发] saa7113

这份文档应该能了结初涉者对视频解码芯片常有的多数疑惑,既使非philips系列的其他方案、整合程度较高的如MT8205的decode部分也没什么轨外之说,缘由是大多IC设计企业都采用“可重用原则”来进行TV soc IC 设计,没什么“革命”发生那是自然的了。
this document should be able to settle those fledgling video decoder chips are often the most puzzled, even non-Philips series of other programs, higher levels of integration such as the MT8205 decode some have nothing outside the track, Why was most of IC design companies are using the "reusability principle" to TV soc IC design, no "revolution" it is a natural occurrence in the past. (2006-01-02, C++ Builder, 176KB, 下载571次)
