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按分类查找All 其他小程序(2) 
按平台查找All C++ Builder(2) 

[其他小程序] animation

用C++ builder制作的动画,用于练手。纯属娱乐!!(工程文件)
Using C++ builder animation for training hand. Pure entertainment! ! (Project file) (2010-11-03, C++ Builder, 3354KB, 下载79次)


[其他小程序] PchChoose

Selective conditions. This procedure is in the original short-term improvements made basic calculator, according to set conditions for access to the letter from the day after search line data automatically eligible stock, I also found a pattern only if the conditions of stock Medium " drop out " rule to elect the number of more than 300 stocks, the emergence of a strong rebound in the next day the market is great. [I upload the code are Fwr original] (2009-03-01, C++ Builder, 7KB, 下载73次)
