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[Java编程] thinkgem-jeesite

JeeSite 是一个 开源的企业信息管理系统 基础框架。主要定位于“企业信息管理”领域,可用作企业信息管理类系统、网站后台管理类系统等。JeeSite是非常强调开发的高效性、健壮性和安全性的。
JeeSite is an open source framework for enterprise information management system basis. Mainly located in the Enterprise Information Management in the field, can be used as class enterprise information management systems, website background management class systems. JeeSite is great emphasis on the development of high efficiency, robustness and security. JeeSite is lightweight, easy to learn, this framework as the core Spring Framework, Spring MVC as a model-view-controller, Hibernate as the operation layer, this combination is the most classic Java industry insiders, the best combinations. Front-end interface style with a simple structure, excellent performance, sophisticated page Twitter Bootstrap framework as the front display. (2015-02-02, C++ Builder, 14757KB, 下载3次)


[Java编程] Online-enterprise-management

Online Invoicing enterprise management system, to run the system must be good preparation jsp operating environment, (2013-08-02, C++ Builder, 1352KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] Java

线性代数 Java 百年城 才 能线性代数 Java 百年城 才 能
The linear algebra The linear algebra The linear algebra (2010-04-27, C++ Builder, 1KB, 下载2次)
