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[Windows编程] 66570104

Using VC analog digital communication system, including source generation, noise generation, QPSK modulation, 16PSK modulation and calculation of bit error rate (BER), etc. (2019-04-02, C++ Builder, 21KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] comm_modbus

MODBUS 通讯规约,实现了遥测数据读写,遥信(线圈)数据读取重置,实现了单个数据、多个数据的访问,CRC校验。 本程序作为SCADA系统通讯子规约调用,实现了较高的通讯效率和容错机制。


[Windows编程] ijob

安装IJOB系统序列号:ka163-ka169-51tom-54tom-card163-1186 此版本只有个人管理的80 左右的代码! 对个人求职管理的部分文件的代码进行了删除,以便和正版用户区别,不支持发信测试! 对数据库也进行了部分企业管理表的删除,以免有人续写程序!
Installation IJOB system serial number: ka163-ka169-51tom-54tom-card163-1186 This version is only about 80 of the code of personal management! Individual job search management code part of the file were deleted, in order to distinguish genuine users and does not support the transmission test! The also carried out a partial deletion of enterprise management table before someone writing a program! (2016-03-03, C++ Builder, 317KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] PL0_CPPBuilder

Computer Science and Technology Department of Computer Science, University City Campus of Guangdong University of Technology, the compiler principle experiment using the program. (2016-01-09, C++ Builder, 381KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] Unit1

写了很久,里面有别人的东西在里面,很简单,就是根据K线代码读出来,这是基本的。放上来补分用 代码只用于通达信股票交易软件的K线读取。也可以根据需要改写成其他股软的,都是相通的,自己改几个数字就行了。主要是看原理。
Write for a long time, there are other people s stuff in there, very simple, is read out in accordance with the K-line code, which is essential. Impress fill points with Mastery letter code is used only for K-line stock trading software to read. Can be rewritten into other stocks soft, are interlinked needed to change a few numbers on their own line. The main principle is to look at. (2014-12-26, C++ Builder, 1KB, 下载8次)


[Windows编程] Editor50

编辑软件西铁城的表情打印机。会计考试的疯狂 交流方式进口
a beautiful girl (2014-03-17, C++ Builder, 23163KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] angle-design

倾角传感器可以用来测量相对于水平面的倾角变化量。在工程测量的许多领域,倾斜角传感器都被广泛的施以应用,是一种非常重要的测量装置。 传统的倾角传感器易受噪声干扰,信噪比低,分辨率低,灵敏度低 、尺寸大,响应慢、不便携带。因此开发智能型倾角仪就成为了必然趋势。
Tilt sensor can be used to measure the angle relative to the horizontal variation. In many areas of engineering survey, tilt angle sensors have been subjected to a wide range of applications, is a very important measuring devices. Vulnerable to the traditional tilt sensor noise, low SNR, low resolution, low sensitivity, large size, slow response, inconvenient to carry. Therefore, the development of intelligent inclinometer to become an inevitable trend. (2011-04-24, C++ Builder, 144KB, 下载14次)


[Windows编程] IMSWorkGroup

the source is C++ program (2010-09-07, C++ Builder, 19870KB, 下载19次)


[Windows编程] MT1389_L

1,MTK1389DE-L 带数字伺服程序 2,MTK代码里可以用串口通讯的程序 3,增加显示版本信息: www.pudn.cn
1, MTK1389DE-L with a digital servo program 2, MTK code serial communication program can be 3 to increase the display version information: www.pudn.cn (2009-11-02, C++ Builder, 4524KB, 下载48次)


[Windows编程] cpp_primer4_cn

Broland C++ Builder Cpp Primer4 Edition
Broland C++ Builder Cpp Primer4 Edition (2009-02-24, C++ Builder, 1727KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] VisuLpcVisualMudCodeEdit

开发手记: 该演示开发平台为Windows 2000 Profession 分辨率为:640*480;内存:128M 开发软件为:Borland C++ Builder 5.0 企业版 其中使用了第三方控件包 DreamControl (文本预览编辑作用) 1.数据库使用Access97(data.mdb),于Bcb中转换为平面数据库(data.cds)作用为记录每个对象的属性,可方便的修改和更新。 2.主视图分四大部分:工具区、视图区、属性区和编辑区,四大部分互相挂钩。 3.涉及到鼠标移动对象时,问题出现,未解决。 4.实在是不行了,没时间了,不得不停止,Sorry。
Development Notes: The presentation development platform for Windows 2000 Profession resolution: 640* 480 memory: 128M to develop software for: Borland C++ Builder 5.0 Enterprise Edition which controls the use of third-party package DreamControl (text editor role preview) 1. database using Access97 (data.mdb), in the BCB in the database is converted to flat (data.cds) role for the records of each object s properties can be easily revised and updated. 2. Main view is divided into four major parts: a tool area, view the district, attributes the district and editing area, the four most linked to each other. 3. Relates to the mouse moving objects, the problem unsolved. 4. It is the point of death, no time, had to stop, Sorry. (2009-01-16, C++ Builder, 1074KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] aaa

摘 要:高校信息化建设是一个大系统工程,如何规范信息系统的建设是一个重要的课题。本文提出了高校信息化标准规范的体系结构,分别论述了基础设施规范、应用系统规范、信息标准及应用规范、用户规范和信息化管理规程等方面的指标,并重点分析了管理信息标准及应用规范的组成及编制原则。研究表明,信息化标准和规范已经具备自身的体系结构,它的建立和实施对于高等学校(或企业)的整体信息化建设具有高度的指导和促进作用,应不断地丰富和完善这些标准规范。
Abstract: Colleges and Universities information technology is a major systems engineering, how to regulate the construction of information systems is an important issue. In this paper, Colleges and Universities information technology architecture standards, respectively, discussed the infrastructure norms, norms of application systems, information standards and the application of norms, the user specifications and information management protocols, such as indicators, and focused on analyzing the application of standards and management information normative principles of composition and preparation. Studies have shown that information technology standards and norms has its own architecture, its development and implementation of the colleges and universities (or businesses) of the overall information technology with a high degree of guiding and facilitating role, should continue to enrich and improve these standards. (2008-05-20, C++ Builder, 16KB, 下载9次)


[Windows编程] openvpn-jang6

vpn代理世纪代理-www.21vpn.com 2007年12月23日快速建立企业vpn
vpn proxy agent century 12 years-www.21vpn.com 2007 on 23-day enterprise vpn (2008-01-11, C++ Builder, 893KB, 下载36次)


[Windows编程] fsk1

一人负责第1部分(格式化与信源编码),两人负责第3部分(调制部分) 2. 对通信系统有整体的较深入的理解, 深入理解自己仿真部分的原理的基础,画出对应的通信子系统的原理框图 3. 提出仿真方案; 4. 完成仿真软件的编制 5. 仿真软件的演示 6. 提交详细的设计报告
One person responsible for Part 1 (formatting and source coding), the two responsible for Part 3 (modulation part) 2. On the communication systems have an overall understanding of a more in-depth, in-depth understanding of their part of the principle of simulation basis, draw the corresponding Block diagram of communication subsystem 3. make simulation programs 4. to complete the preparation of simulation software 5. Simulation Software Demo 6. submit a detailed design report (2008-01-08, C++ Builder, 2KB, 下载8次)


[Windows编程] xz

12 Constellation updated daily, not to add your own data. This program automatically collect data daily updated website is essential to the entertainment Eastern! ! (2006-04-07, C++ Builder, 541KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] 人才管理asp源码

talent management system for enterprise talent management, the source asp (2005-08-11, C++ Builder, 20KB, 下载19次)


[Windows编程] ggyy

观察甚至直接.. 开发工具:VB 提供者:123 ·一个气象报文解报处理的 源程序,可以直接嵌入到系统中....,使用方便.用于学习VB较适合.. 开发工具 :VB 提供者:ruan ·企业工资管理系统,运行本例需要确保您的
even direct observation .. Tools : VB providers : 123 a meteorological report Xie reportedly handling of the source, can be directly embedded into the system ..., easy to use. For learning VB .. more suitable for development tools : VB providers : Ruan Wage management system, running the cases need to ensure that your (2005-06-12, C++ Builder, 251KB, 下载21次)


[Windows编程] wgf吞蛇

a kind of game full of entertainment, it s very funny! The scores and levels are free of limitation. You can fight and enjoy music at the same time. (2005-05-22, C++ Builder, 449KB, 下载106次)
