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[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] amcap

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Use before you read the following terms: 1, students stand on the original software package, according to kind of package, an increase in this documentation does not guarantee that software or procedures provided by the integrity and security. 2, please查毒before use (which is you use other network resources must be noted). 3, during installation, be sure to pay attention to check every step of the Next! Be installed in order to avoid malicious third-party plug-ins. 4, the procedures provided by this site on your site or have serious consequences for the computer takes no responsibility for the site. 5, welcome once again to the students Station software (soft.studa.com) you need to download software. 6, without the express permission of this site, any Web site may not be illegal copying Powered navigating to www.sina.com.cn. and resources! (2008-12-29, C++ Builder, 94KB, 下载7次)
