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按分类查找All P2P编程(4) 
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[P2P编程] hal

Its functional design is mainly for large enterprises, various industries, and other complex functional sites. System has been established in the article system, image system, download system, personal job, business recruitment, real estate systems, music systems, video systems, online shops, P2P net loan. Use custom models, custom fields, custom forms, custom entry interface, member systems, etc., you can also easily and flexibly to establish any system function for their own needs (2016-04-26, Java, 8KB, 下载2次)


[P2P编程] jxta-myjxta-minimal-2.5

MyJXTA of open source software in the JXTADemoProjeet a real-time communications projects. MyJXTA embodies the communication features of the JXTA platform, in fact, Currently popular P2P functionality. A variety of communication (text communication, video communication, audio communication, transmit the text). (2012-03-09, Java, 5520KB, 下载23次)


[P2P编程] p2pSMS2.2

Dove is a similar to the p2p LAN instant messaging (2008-04-29, Java, 46KB, 下载146次)


[P2P编程] JXTA+P2P

主要在于在JXTA架构的基础上构建一个P2P的即时通信息 通。利用P2P非中心性和动态性的特征为即时通信服务,在即时通信的过程中,在发送端对消息进行加密,在接收端再对加密的消息解密,消息在JXTA网络中 是以匿名方式的方式进行传输的,使数据传输更加安全。
Lies mainly in the framework based on JXTA to build a P2P real-time information Qualcomm Qualcomm. The use of P2P and non-centrality is characterized by dynamic instant messaging services, instant messaging, the sending end of the encrypted message, the receiving end again in the encrypted message decryption, message in the JXTA network approach is based on anonymous way transmission, so that data transmission more secure. (2007-09-28, Java, 34KB, 下载97次)
