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[其他行业] kmcyzt

1、从事房地产行业相关企业信息的在线填写申报及变更、分立、合并及注销的功能; 2、人员信息管理,对房产从业人员基本信息的管理功能; 3、从业人员工作变动情况的管理; 4、对从业人员资质情况的管理; 5、对从业人员诚信情况的管理; 6、对从业人员相关信息的查询和统计功能。
1, in the real estate industry related businesses fill out the online information reporting and change, separation, merger and cancellation features 2, information management, basic information on the real estate management professionals 3, employing the work of the management changes 4, a management qualification for practitioners 5 employees integrity of the management of the situation 6, query information for practitioners and statistical functions. (2010-09-27, Java, 12833KB, 下载8次)


[其他行业] MMSAPI

Java Mobile MMS MMS proxy server API, database mysql (2009-06-22, Java, 1077KB, 下载14次)


[其他行业] kehutone2007

软件名称:客户通在线客服系统2007专业版 软件大小: 1622 KB 软件语言: 简体中文 软件类别: 国产软件 / 免费版 / 在线客服 应用平台: WinNT/2000/XP 界面预览: 无 插件情况: 无插件 更新时间: 2007-02-12 联 系 人: software@kehu.cn 开 发 商: http://www.kehu.cn 下载地址:http://www.kehu.cn/download/kehutone/setup.exe http://www.kehu.cn/download/kehutone2007.rar 客户通是一款备受受好评的在线客服系统,拥有客户服务、客户管理、网站管理、短信群发等28大功能,界面美观,功能强大、完全免费。所有顾客只要打开您的网站,不用下载任何插件,就可以与客服人员在线对话;您也可以主动与顾客进行即时交流、洽谈。客户通可以明确显示访客来源、地域、IP地址以及关健词等详细信息,洽谈纪录自动保存到服务器备案,有利于检查客服质量及工作效率。客户通对网站的访问量、来源、IP、关健词、在线时间、对话情况等进行图表分析,从而为用户的网络营销组合提供关键的参考。客户通使用方便,仅需在您的网页上增加一段代码,即可轻松使用
software name : Customer Link online customer service system 2007 Professional Edition software Size : 1622 KB software Language : English software categories : domestic software/free version/Online customer service application platform : WinNT/2000/XP interface preview : no plug-ins : no plug-update time : 2007-02-12 Contact : software@kehu.cn developers : http :// www.kehu.cn Download Address : http :// www.kehu.cn/download/kehutone/setup.ex e http :// www.kehu.cn/download/kehutone2007.rar off A household card much acclaim online customer service system with customer service, customer management, website management, Short Message other 28 major functional, beautiful interface, powerful, completely free of charge. All customers to open your site, do not have to download an (2007-03-15, Java, 1243KB, 下载297次)


[其他行业] 质量信息管理系统

used jsp prepared by the enterprise metering equipment management system that can use the existing equipment, inventory equipment, scrap equipment for unified management. And to join the management process control. Their development. (2005-07-14, Java, 359KB, 下载115次)
