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按分类查找All SQL Server(26) 
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[SQL Server] DatabaseCourseDesign

数据结构课程设计,一个简单的企业供销管理系统,用java实现用户操作界面,数据库使用SQL Server
Course Design of Data Structure, A Simple Enterprise Supply and Marketing Management System, Implemented with Java User Interface, Database Using SQL Server (2016-06-13, Java, 5KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] JSF_Hibernate_MySQL

用于公共和城际交通的Web应用程序。使用Java Server Faces、Hibernate和MySQL实现。
Web app for public and intercity transport. Implemented with Java Server Faces, Hibernate and MySQL. (2020-04-02, Java, 1615KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] Flight-Booking-System-JavaServlets_App

?? An enterprise level Flight Booking System for Turkish Airlines (web- application) based on the Model View Controller (MVC) Architecture made using Java Servlets, Java Server Pages (JSPs). Moreover authentication and authorization for users is implemented. The web-application is also secured against SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting attacks. (2018-07-03, Java, 41296KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] SQLyog

Powerful database management system, suitable for java beginners and enterprise applications, simple and easy to use (2019-03-13, Java, 14879KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] java-web

SSH source code plus SQL enterprise (2015-04-27, Java, 16390KB, 下载5次)


[SQL Server] office

SQL Server 2000+struts的企业办公自动化系统
SQL Server 2000+ struts corporate office automation systems (2014-08-01, Java, 645KB, 下载6次)


[SQL Server] net

企业门户网站,包含前台界面和后台管理系统,数据库用的sql server
Enterprise portal, including the front desk interface and backstage management system, use the SQL server database (2013-12-09, Java, 1211KB, 下载4次)


[SQL Server] 23455225

企业电子商城,提供详细的代码和数据库sql server2000
Enterprise electronic mall, with detailed code and database SQL Server2000 (2012-12-09, Java, 960KB, 下载4次)


[SQL Server] MyBatis3--MyBatis-3-User-Guide-zh_CN

MyBatis3 user instructions, the object database, a detailed description of use, (2011-07-19, Java, 501KB, 下载16次)


[SQL Server] vote-system

企业投票系统,包含SQl server数据库文件
Corporate voting system, including the SQl server database file (2011-03-28, Java, 5568KB, 下载8次)


[SQL Server] qyjxc

企业进销存管理系统 附带sqlserver2000数据库网络教程可用。
Sqlserver2000 inventory management system with enterprise database network tutorial is available. (2011-03-11, Java, 2234KB, 下载12次)


[SQL Server] iBATIS-SqlMaps-2_cn

ibatis 开发指南 中文版的,需要的拿去。。。
ibatis sql maps (2011-01-30, Java, 454KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] qiyeguanlixitong

java编写的企业管理系统 实现了基本的功能,如员工信息插叙,更改,考勤,奖金等等
java enterprise management system to achieve the preparation of the basic functions, such as employee information interleaved, change, time and attendance, bonuses, etc. (2011-01-03, Java, 3278KB, 下载8次)


[SQL Server] library

基于java的图书管理系统,使用SQL 2000企业管理器附加图书管理系统数据库。
The java-based library management system, using SQL 2000 Enterprise Manager add-library management system database. (2009-11-01, Java, 1571KB, 下载18次)


[SQL Server] postgresql

PostgreSQL 8.2中增加了很多企业用户所需要的功能和性能上的提高,其开发团队说,该版本将加速更多企业向该数据库移植.核心开发成员之一Bruce Momjian表示,在新版PostgreSQL中,包含了所有命令和数据库工具,而且可以让新手轻松的了解和使用它的新的高级功能.
PostgreSQL 8.2 in the increase in the number of enterprise users need the functionality and performance improvement, and its development team, said that the version will be more enterprises to accelerate the transfer to the database. The core of the development of a member of the Bruce Momjian said that in the new version of PostgreSQL includes all the command and database tools, but also allows novice easy to understand and use its new advanced features. (2008-12-09, Java, 13118KB, 下载17次)


[SQL Server] MySQL5.1_DOC_CN

MY SQL 帮助文档,。。。。 MY SQL help document,
MY SQL help files. . . . MY SQL help document, (2008-05-16, Java, 2475KB, 下载10次)


[SQL Server] ino

基于jsp+sqlserver2000的企业内部信息系统管理,是学习java web编程的好示例
Based on jsp+ Sqlserver2000 corporate internal information systems management, java web programming to learn a good example (2008-04-22, Java, 1194KB, 下载19次)


[SQL Server] 20061157010850

weblogic+j2ee构建音乐网站(原代码+数据库) src.zip: Workshop 8.1 工程 db.zip: 数据库备份,可在MS SQL 2000企业管理器中直接还原数据库 另附上系统设计详细文档.
weblogic+ j2ee build a music website (source code Database) src.zip: Workshop 8.1 engineering db.zip: Database backup, MS SQL 2000 in Enterprise Manager to restore the database directly attached detailed documentation on the system design. (2007-10-16, Java, 4903KB, 下载15次)


[SQL Server] chap81236

“代码”目录下的程序,需要安装SQL Server 2000,并建立起相应数据库。 各个实例的数据库文件存放在相应“建库脚本”目录下,有两种方法建立数据库。 一是在SQL Server的企业管理器中右击“数据库”节点,单击【所有任务】|【附加数据库】菜单命令, 选择相应的数据库文件(扩展名为mdf),单击【确定】按钮就可以了;另一种方法是通过SQL Server的企业管理器的恢复数据库功能, 从数据库备份文件恢复,备份文件的扩展名为bak。
"code" directory procedures, the need to install SQL Server 2000, and to establish a corresponding database. Examples of the various database files stored in a corresponding "building a database script" directory, there were two ways to build up a database. First, the SQL Server Enterprise Manager right-click the "database" nodes, [Click all the tasks-- |-- [Additional database menu orders choose the database files (files extensions), click [set] button on the can; Another method is through SQL Server Enterprise Manager to restore the database functions, from the database backup file recovery, backup document called the expansion bak. (2006-09-22, Java, 697KB, 下载7次)


[SQL Server] chap09kucunguanlixitong

库存管理信息系统,企业好帮手 读者需要安装Rational Rose2000运行UML目录下的文件 安装Jbuilder9.0运行第9章提供的源码 读者可以在SQL Server2000的查询分析器中运行各章DB目录下提供的两个.sql建立数据库及其表格 等,也可以将数据库文件.mdf和.ldf附加到当前数据库服务器上直接使用(推荐)。
inventory management information system, enterprises need better help readers installed Rational Rose2000 UML run in the paper directory installation Jbuilder9.0 running Chapter 9 provides the source code readers in the SQL Server 2000 inquiries analyzer running the Chapter DB directory for the two. sql database and forms, also can be database files. mdf and. ldf added to the current database servers used directly (recommended). (2006-04-19, Java, 989KB, 下载53次)
