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[其他数据库] dictionary

Electronic dictionary~ Electronic dictionary~ Electronic dictionary~ (2012-05-10, Java, 5377KB, 下载4次)


[其他数据库] the-neo-database-cn.doc

Official documents on graphdatabase ... For the Chinese translation of the database' s friends want to know nosql helpful .. (2010-10-17, Java, 21KB, 下载2次)


[其他数据库] Teradata01

Teradata是一个关系数据库管理系统,能够把企业的交易转变成关系。它采用标准的SQL查询语言,但独特的内部结构特别适合于处理复杂查询数据仓库应用。其良好的扩展性能够随着业务的发展而发展,从GB级扩展到100TB以上。目前世界上最大的数据仓库是SBC Communications Inc的数据仓库,数据量达到128TB,就是采用Teradata数据库实现的。
Teradata is a relational database management system, to the business transactions into relationships. It uses a standard SQL query language, but the unique internal structure is particularly suitable for handling complex data warehouse queries. Its good scalability to grow with the development of business development, from GB-level extended to more than 100TB. The world' s largest data warehouse is a data warehouse SBC Communications Inc, the amount of data to 128TB, is implemented using Teradata database. (2010-10-11, Java, 1304KB, 下载173次)
