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[VC书籍] MicrosoftADONetCoreReference

本书是使用Microsoft Visual Studio .NET和ADO.NET编写高可伸缩性、可用Web数据库应用程序的开发人员必备指南。介绍了如何使用ADO.NET在企业级的Web应用程序中访问、排序和处理数据。通过书中丰富的实例和工具,读者能够了解编写、测试与调试数据库应用程序代码的方法。本书还介绍了ADO.NET对象模型,用于Web扩展性的XML特性,与SQL Server 2000的集成。 全书共分5大部分。第I部分提供了ADO.NET对象模型的概要叙述,并且提供了【数据窗体向导】的指导内容。第Ⅱ部分介绍了如何使用.NET数据提供程序中的不同对象——Connection、Command、DataReader和DataAdapter对象。第Ⅲ部分包含了对ADO.NET对象模型中的脱机对象的讨论——DataSet、DataTable、DataColumn、DataRow、DataRelation和DataView对象。这一部分还介绍了使用DataAdapter向数据库提交更改的基本和高级场景,还讨论了ADO.NET的XML特性。第Ⅳ部分介绍了使用ADO.NET建立有效率的Windows应用程序和Web应用程序的技术。第V部分是附录。
This book is the use of Microsoft Visual Studio. NET and ADO.NET to prepare highly scalable, available Web database application developers an essential guide. Describes how to use ADO.NET in an enterprise-class Web applications to access, sorting and processing data. Through the book a wealth of examples and tools, readers can understand the preparation, testing and debugging database application code approach. The book also describes the ADO.NET object model for Web extensibility of XML features, and SQL Server 2000 integration. The book is divided into five majority. Part I, provide a narrative summary of ADO.NET object model and provides】 【Data Form Wizard to guide the content. Chapter Ⅱ section describes how to use. NET data provider in the different objects- Connection, Command, DataReader, and DataAdapter objects. Chapter Ⅲ section contains the object model of ADO.NET objects in the off-line discussions- DataSet, DataTable, DataColumn, DataRow, DataRelation, and DataView objects. (2010-03-15, Java, 8008KB, 下载3次)


[VC书籍] j2ee_for_Struts_Spring_Hibernate_development

轻量级J2EE 企业应用实战Struts_Spring_Hibernate整合开发,很不错的关于j2ee开发的电子书
Lightweight J2EE enterprise application integration Struts_Spring_Hibernate actual development, a very good book on the j2ee development (2009-05-26, Java, 21241KB, 下载13次)


[VC书籍] 20-23

Spring development of enterprise-class e-books ...... .............. (2009-03-14, Java, 19783KB, 下载3次)
