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[其他书籍] Enterprise Application Architecture Patterns

企业应用架构模式, 详解企业在开发过程中架构的相关知识
Enterprise Application Architecture Patterns, Detailed Knowledge of Enterprise Architecture in the Development Process (2019-05-28, Java, 12455KB, 下载1次)


[其他书籍] myeclipse20188_jb51

MyEclipse官方中文网为广大Java开发者提供最专业的Java IDE MyEclipse中文信
Eclipse Che is a developer workspace server and cloud IDE. Get it Learn More Eclipse Che Eclipse Che is a developer workspace server and cloud IDE... plugin (2019-05-02, Java, 26760KB, 下载0次)


[其他书籍] android001

Andrews personnel and enterprises face questions summary is engaged in the Android software development work necessary when candidates Collection (2013-09-21, Java, 11242KB, 下载9次)


[其他书籍] key-www.nohack.cn)

The author of the industry experts, this is a detailed explanation about scripting books, suitable for beginners and people who have a certain level of programming available. Really good. (2013-05-24, Java, 27778KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] Twitter_guide_CN(2009.05.12)

Twitter Guide in CN (2011-05-13, Java, 2516KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] cloudcomputing_cn

This is a tutorial for cloudcomputing, which provided by Sun. (2010-04-24, Java, 683KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] BuffettBiography

沃伦·巴菲特——美国最成功的集团企业的塑造者,一举一动都影响全球市场走势的投资大师,一个比杰克·韦尔奇更懂得管理的人,一个宣称在死后50年仍能管理和影响的人,以世界顶尖投资人和令人难以企及的财富创造能力而赢得世人盛赞和追捧。   在这部奉为“投资者不可不读的投资经典”中,作者洛温斯坦以巴菲特独有的投资风格和管理方式为焦点,对他充满传奇色彩的投资策略、人生哲学和管理智慧等进行深入透彻的描述和分析,并运用大量翔实的材料重现了几十年前巴菲特如何巧妙地寻找价值洼地,如何出其不意地挖掘潜在的投资价值,如何将伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司塑造成美国最大的集团企业的奥秘……本书不只是一个娓娓道来的大师传奇,更是一个无比成功的投资人的自画像:他凭正义和品德取胜了大都市的尔虞我诈,并且用自己的执著甚至顽固引领瞬息万变的投资世界。   毋庸置疑,巴菲特那种超乎常人的名垂青史的欲望使他成为美国传奇的独特形象,他不仅是一个伟大的资本家,而且是美国资本主义的代言人;他不仅证明了投资是一种理性的、可以捉摸的事业,而且为世人揭开了华尔街神秘的面纱;更重要的是,他的成功成为全世界梦想家的希望和承诺。
Warren Buffett- America s most successful conglomerates shapers, every move the market trends affecting the global investment guru, one more than Jack Welch, know how to manage people, a claim that is still 50 years after death to manage and influence people, to the world s leading investors and is difficult to prices and the wealth creation ability to win the praise and the pursuit of the world. In this enshrined as the "Investors should not miss the investment classic", the authors Lowenstein in Buffett s unique investment style and management focus on his legendary investment strategy, philosophy of life and management of intellectual and so thorough in-depth description and analysis, and using a large number of informative material to reproduce a few decades ago to find the value of Buffett s how clever low-lying land, how to tap the potential surprise value of investments, how to Berkshire Hasa Wei s molded into the nation s largest conglomerates mystery ... ... the book is not (2010-03-26, Java, 307KB, 下载6次)


[其他书籍] DynamicEnterpriseModeling

基于分布式对象计算技术实现动态企业建模,Based on distributed object computing technology to achieve Dynamic Enterprise Modeling
Based on distributed object computing technology to achieve Dynamic Enterprise Modeling (2010-03-05, Java, 244KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] MySQLtoprovidesupportatlowercost

On the database of knowledge: " MySQL to provide support at a lower cost," a guiding role for enterprise development. (2010-01-18, Java, 287KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] JSmooth_0.9.9-7_zh_CN

Jar files to be converted to streamline off JRE folders and would like to generate the EXE file' s icon (which can be png, jpg and other formats, do not want to add icons may not get) into the same folder. (2009-12-25, Java, 3796KB, 下载10次)


[其他书籍] jbpm

jBpm4.0 English documentation jBPM4.0GA_zh_CN_by_opug.org.cn_viaREDSAGA.pdf (2009-12-20, Java, 3307KB, 下载29次)


[其他书籍] mianshi

Contains some enterprises interview examination questions, the interview would certainly help (2009-10-29, Java, 2090KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] softarchitect

在软件组织中,架构师的作用是举足轻重的。本课程针对企业开发最关注的问题深入 研讨,抓住投入产出比这个企业的核心价值,讨论架构设计如何使这个核心价值得以实现
In software organizations, the architect' s role is pivotal. This course is designed for enterprise developers are most concerned about the issue in depth, to seize the input-output ratio of this company' s core values, to discuss how the architecture design to make the core values of realized (2009-09-10, Java, 1316KB, 下载14次)


[其他书籍] jdk_1.5_J2SE_5.0_CN

j2se api chm 中文文档,包含j2se的所有接口类详细说明
j2se api chm files (2009-04-26, Java, 45864KB, 下载409次)


[其他书籍] iBATIS-SqlMaps-2-Tutorial_cn

A very good iBATIS e-books, study ~~~~~~~~~~~ (2009-03-23, Java, 64KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] interview

The world' s top 500 enterprises Baodian interviews, including more than in today' s world top 500 enterprises pen test questions and Noodles (2009-03-16, Java, 844KB, 下载43次)


[其他书籍] IT_interview_bishi

1、本人仔细数了一下一共262家,由我们学校的硕士毕业生所经历的面试笔试汇集。 2、其中的知名大企业几乎都在里面。 3、快要实习了,本人现也正在看,希望大家都能找到好工作。
1, I carefully counted a total of about 262, from the Master of our school graduates experienced by pooling written interview. 2, one of the well-known almost all large enterprises inside. 3, about the internship, I now also look, I hope everyone can find a good job. (2009-03-02, Java, 4609KB, 下载85次)


[其他书籍] englishmoban

Received a letter in English a few templates and examples (2007-11-24, Java, 15KB, 下载8次)
