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[酒店行业] assPro

酒店娱乐项目预订系统的设计与实现 java源代码
Hotel entertainment project design and implementation reservation system java source code (2013-07-25, Java, 736KB, 下载2次)


[酒店行业] cn_waiter

Based on the Java Hotel and catering management, system will be useful to everyone (2011-07-25, Java, 4223KB, 下载23次)


[酒店行业] hotelMS

JAVA+ SQL2005 development of enterprise personnel management system, a hotel room management, occupancy management, room reservation management, business search management five functional modules. Friendly interface of the system is a good example of project development. (2011-04-01, Java, 1473KB, 下载21次)


[酒店行业] webrenshiguanlixitong

hotel management is in the hotel business within a very important management issues. but most of the company's personnel management is basically manual or on the application dos, this right to information managers with a lot of inconvenience, and some is used foxpro. visualfoxpro development, but the development tools of its own limitations. the network function is not very strong level of support, software upgrades for the future of the Internet into trouble. Therefore it is necessary to develop a network-based hotel management system in the network environment can achieve data entry, insert, delete, inquiries, statistics, updating, printing. Meanwhile, in order to the confidentiality of information and security, the system must also provide the security mechanism. (2006-05-23, Java, 11KB, 下载27次)
