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[数据挖掘/数据仓库] cim

[Focusing on 10 years, never using stars] CIM is a push system based on the netty framework. Maybe some enterprises have their own requirements for an instant messaging system, so CIM provides you with a solution. At present, CIM supports multi terminal access support such as websocket, android, ios, desktop applications, system applications, and can be applied to mobile applications, the Internet of Things, smart home, embedded development, desktop applications, web applications, and instant messaging services between background systems. (2024-03-22, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据挖掘/数据仓库] Quiz-app

Quiz-app is a Java application built with the Spring Boot framework, designed to empower users to effortlessly create and participate in quizzes. With Quiz-app, users can easily craft engaging quizzes with custom questions and seamlessly take quizzes to test their knowledge. Whether for educational purposes or just for fun. (2024-02-07, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据挖掘/数据仓库] geostore

Open Source Java enterprise application for storing, searching and retrieving data (2024-01-18, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据挖掘/数据仓库] psi

psi,Finer进销存是一款面向中小企业的供销链管理系统,基于J2EE快速开发平台Jeecg-Boot开发,采用前后端分离架构:SpringBoot2.x,Ant Design&Vue,Mybatis-plus,Shiro,JWT。项目基于...
Psi, Finer Inventory is a supply and sales chain management system for small and medium-sized enterprises, developed based on the J2EE rapid development platform Jeecg-Boot, using a front-end and back-end separation architecture: SpringBoot2. x, Ant Design&Vue, Mybatis plus, Shiro, JWT. Project based on (2022-11-01, Java, 8841KB, 下载0次)


[数据挖掘/数据仓库] ywoa

ywoa,云网OA协同办公系统 - 企业级OA系统|OA系统|OA办公|OA办公平台|OA协同|OA办公系统,基于专家级工作流引擎,深入研发15年,服务过1000多家客户,拥有成熟的 OA系统 功能。自带低代码开发平台,让您可以快速上手、快速实...
Ywoa, Cloud Network OA Collaborative Office System - Enterprise Level OA System | OA System | OA Office | OA Platform | OA Collaboration | OA Office System, based on an expert level workflow engine, has been deeply researched and developed for 15 years, serving over 1000 customers, and has mature OA system functions. Equipped with a low code development platform, you can quickly get started and implement (2021-07-15, Java, 207784KB, 下载0次)


[数据挖掘/数据仓库] wxchange

tacs 信 托 蚁 群 算 法 的一种实现方法源码 (2017-11-24, Java, 15KB, 下载1次)
