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[视频/语音聊天] instantMessage_weixin

An instant messaging app based on leancloud, which is completed with reference to GleaHub on leanhatat. It has single chat, group chat, multimedia messaging, nearby people, friends circle, personal center and other functions. (2024-02-25, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[视频/语音聊天] yun2win-sdk-android

Yun2win为企业和开发者提供最安全的即时通讯(IM)云服务和基于Web RTC下的融合通讯云服务,通过yun2win的SDK及API,快速拥有IM(instant messaging)、实时音视频(Audio and video Communication)、屏幕共享(Screen sharing)、电子白板(whiteboard)通讯能力。
Yun2win provides enterprises and developers with the most secure instant messaging (IM) cloud service and integrated communication cloud service based on Web RTC. Through the SDK and API of Yun2win, it quickly has IM (instant messaging), real-time audio and video communication, screen sharing, and whiteboard communication capabilities. (2024-02-25, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[视频/语音聊天] IM

Instant messaging (即时通讯项目,用到环信SDK)
Instant messaging (instant messaging project, using Huanxin SDK) (2016-11-08, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[视频/语音聊天] Evento

This is an Android app for HasGeek Events. User can see the schedule , Foodcourt Menu of events , Livestream of each talks of particular events , this app has an QR code scanner to scan Badges of other participants to store their contact details directly in their phone. This app has an functionality to connect to Hasgeek wifi during conference (2017-04-13, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[视频/语音聊天] Misc

An Android app that does useful things with towers, network and app info, SMS, MMS, call history, contacts, and Wi-Fi connections., (2022-08-26, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[视频/语音聊天] AudioSpeedUp

Android app developed for fun during lockdown. With this simple app you can play audio files, such us WhatsApp voice messages, in background at custom speed. (2023-02-18, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)
