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按分类查找All C/C++基础(7) 
按平台查找All Java(7) 

[C/C++基础] 2D-Game-App

Collection of small small games. Created for entertaining and learning purpose. (2019-01-21, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] GameBoxAndroidApp

GameBoxAndroid : A captivating collection of diverse games, providing endless entertainment on your Android device. (2023-06-14, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] MediaSystem-v2

Entertainment center for searching and viewing your video collection. It will fetch metadata from external sources and can be controlled by remote. The GUI is written using JavaFX and video playback uses MPV or VLC through vlcj. (2022-11-16, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] neatlogic-cmdb

NeatLogic CMDB是一个功能强大的企业级配置管理平台,支持自动发现、自动调整...
NeatLogic CMDB is a powerful enterprise-level configuration management platform that supports automated discovery, automated collection, topology mapping, and customizable configuration item models, among other features. (2023-06-29, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] DPAlgorithm

An Algorithm project.A small business is faced with the following algorithmic problem. Their customers are located in k cities across the United States. It costs the small business c i,m to operate out of city i in month m. They can relocate their operations from city i to city j for a fixed cost of f ij . They are not limited on number of (2019-12-30, Java, 4KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] octo-rpc

OCTO-RPC 是支持Java和C++的企业级通信框架,在RPC服务之上扩展了丰富的服务治理功能,为美团各业务线提供高效、统一的通信服务。
OCTO-RPC is an enterprise level communication framework that supports Java and C++. It extends rich service governance functions over RPC services to provide efficient and unified communication services for all business lines of Meituan. (2022-12-16, Java, 7148KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] csdn_downloader

csdn下载,csdn免积分下载,csdn免会员下载,csdn付费内容下载 免费资源 体验地址:<http: servicedev.tpddns.cn:8181 # login c=12>
csdn下载,csdn免积分下载,csdn免会员下载,csdn付费内容下载 免费资源 体验地址:<http: servicedev.tpddns.cn:8181 # login c=12> (2022-07-07, Java, 367KB, 下载6次)
