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[中文大模型] logMonitor-master

log4j日志的监控系统,采用web形式展现各模块的运行状态,支持邮件短信报警,适用于一般企业大中型业务生成系统的监控;业务模块定时30秒采用json格式输出到文件- Log monitoring
The monitoring system for log4j logs displays the running status of each module in web form, supports email and SMS alerts, and is suitable for monitoring large and medium-sized business generation systems in general enterprises; The business module is timed to output to a file in JSON format for 30 seconds - Log monitoring (2017-11-02, Java, 1133KB, 下载0次)


[中文大模型] logMonitor

The monitoring system for log4j logs displays the running status of each module in web form, supports email and SMS alerts, and is suitable for monitoring large and medium-sized business generation systems in general enterprises; The business module is timed to output to a file in JSON format for 30 seconds, (2013-08-13, Java, 1311KB, 下载0次)
