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[图形图象] Ragave_CodeJourney

Welcome to my coding adventure! Examine how I ve changed from my initial attempts at software development to creative ventures. Come along with me as we push limits, figure out issues, and shape technology for the future. Together, let s make something truly amazing! (2024-03-26, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] jakartaee8-demo

该项目是关于如何使用Jakarta EE.OpenLiberty创建完整的企业Java应用程序的完整说明...
This project is a full illustration on how to create a full Enterprise Java Application using Jakarta EE. OpenLiberty was used as the application container. (2020-07-15, Java, 2231KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] qrcode

Generate a QR code that can carry the company logo (2020-08-05, Java, 58KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] celianling

The project is a an entertaining app project source code, users can take pictures or choose your own or your friends' photos the local library, and then analyzed by age, sex, you can also analyze results and photo sharing to the map, other users You can see your shared photos and test it out age. Face recognition technology is used to provide the service of a face++ (2016-05-21, Java, 3365KB, 下载11次)
