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按分类查找All DevOps(7) 
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[DevOps] monitor-jwt

Operation and maintenance monitoring system in itbaima.cn (2024-05-24, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] LunarOS

LunarOS:企业级私有云一站式 运 维 管理系统(原北京搜狐DomeOS移植再 维 护),
LunarOS: an enterprise level private cloud one-stop operation and maintenance management system (the original Sohu DomeOS in Beijing was transplanted and re maintained), (2022-12-10, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] minsx-server-manager

是一款用于APP在线管理的系统,通过该系统来实现生产或开发中的应用自动化部署及监控,以减少企业的 运 维 成本,
It is a system for online management of APP, through which automatic deployment and monitoring of applications in production or development can be realized to reduce the operation and maintenance costs of enterprises, (2018-05-25, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] neatlogic-itsm

neatlogic itsm拥有全自研工作流引擎和自定义表单引擎,支持自定义扩展。支持子任务,支持复杂的SLA计算策略,支持多种的工单分配规则,能满足大型集团企业IT 运 维 各种复杂场景。,
Neatlogic itsm has a fully self-developed workflow engine and custom form engine, and supports custom extension. It supports subtasks, complex SLA calculation policies, and multiple work order allocation rules, which can meet various complex IT operation and maintenance scenarios of large group enterprises., (2023-07-08, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] fastgo

Devops solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises (2020-08-10, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] devops-platform

devops-platform 是一款企业级开发、效能、运维平台。打通项目立项、研发、测试、发布、运维等流程,对软件项目开发形成闭环。
Devops platform is an enterprise level development, efficiency, operation and maintenance platform. Open up the process of project initiation, R&D, testing, release, operation and maintenance, and form a closed loop for software project development. (2023-01-28, Java, 5321KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] Magnesium

Enterprise level cloud management and control platform integrating data middle office, open platform, API gateway, user auth, devops, and SaaS tenant account distribution (2019-08-16, Java, 10463KB, 下载0次)
