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[加密解密] Java

Undergraduate graduation project: instant messaging chat system based on DES encryption (2017-11-28, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] mybatis-mate-examples

mybatis-mate 为 mp 企业级模块,支持分库分表,数据审计、数据敏感词过滤(AC算法),字段加密,字典回写(数据绑定),数据权限,表结构自动生成 SQL 维护 等
Mybatis mate is an mp enterprise level module, which supports database and table division, data audit, data sensitive word filtering (AC algorithm), field encryption, dictionary write back (data binding), data permissions, automatic generation of SQL for table structure maintenance, etc (2021-09-10, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] InstantMessageSystem

Undergraduate graduation project: instant messaging chat system based on DES encryption (2018-09-19, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] MuzTalk

Entertainment App, allows user to chat, watch youtube videos, send their location, also can click their pictures with exciting filters. For user security, the messages are encrypted using RSA algorithm. (2021-12-10, Java, 3692KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] Open-Diary

Our project focuses on client-side and server-side identification of users for secure online transactions, corporate resource access, and application and facility usage. We have implemented a secure authentication system that utilizes cryptography methods to ensure data confidentiality and integrity in the presence of adversaries. (2022-02-26, Java, 6968KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] fineract-cn-crypto

Apache Fineract CN库可以始终如一地哈希密码。
Apache Fineract CN library to hash passwords consistently. (2023-01-06, Java, 71KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] MyEclipse2015Stable2.0补丁%2B注册机%2B步骤

想要多版本共存的,有两种方法,一种是备份 .myeclipse.properties 这个文件(保存的注册信息),然后根据你想要用的版本去换 另一种办法一劳永逸的,使用同一个公钥(publicKey.bytes)替换掉各版本的com.genuitec.eclipse.server.core_XXXXXXXX.jar包中的对应文件,这种办法需要各版本MyEclipse都是同一种授权的,比如都是Professional,都是Bling之类的 注意点我都写在步骤里了,大家认真看,看明白了再动手,完全按照我给的步骤,不会出现各种奇葩问题的(比如还是会报校验错误,比如Web工程不能新建,比如视图问题)
And then change it according to the version you want to use (2020-06-01, Java, 1965KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] sm3

SM3密码杂凑算法。java 源码,http://www.oscca.gov.cn/News/201012/News_1199.htm 已与官网示例验证
SM3 cryptographic hash algorithm. java source code, http: //www.oscca.gov.cn/News/201012/News_1199.htm verified with official website example (2016-07-13, Java, 92KB, 下载5次)


[加密解密] zhiwentux-

With the rapid development of information technology, information security has become a major challenge of global information. Cryptography is the base of information security, and the security of the key is dependent on the password system. In order to solve the problem of the contradiction between the randomness of the key and the user s memory, the lack of connection between the key and the legitimate users, the key technology based on biological features is proposed. Bi (2016-05-25, Java, 7320KB, 下载2次)
