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[地理学] MeteoDataProcessServer

Meteorological data analysis and prediction system under information technology -- acquisition, processing, user and gateway services (2024-03-25, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[地理学] colorGame

一款基于安卓手机应用的休闲小游戏,是一款活跃 气 氛,休闲娱乐的必备小游戏;适用场合于:逢年过节、朋友聚会、聚餐必备、KTV必玩;适用对 象 :老少皆宜;操作简单:只需要动动手点一下或者摇一摇即可。,
A casual game based on Android mobile applications, it is an essential game for active atmosphere and leisure entertainment; Applicable occasions: necessary for festivals, gatherings, dinners, and KTV; Applicable objects: all ages; Simple operation: just click or shake your hands., (2016-12-20, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)
