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按分类查找All ActiveX/DCOM/ATL(5) 
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[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] yyyyy

ocos2dx 3.0版本之前,我们一直都是用CCLabelTTF,CCLabelBMFont,CCLabelAtlas来创建文本标签,但是!3.0版本放出来后...看到这里你心里是不是又颤抖了一下?别害怕嘛,我要说的是:3.0版本出来后这些标签也都是还可以用的啦,只是说我们有了更好的选择。
Prior to ocos2dx version 3, we have been using CCLabelTTF, CCLabelBMFont, CCLabelAtlas to create a text label, but! The 3 version released... Here you Is it right? Shook? Don t be scared, I want to say is: 3 version comes out these labels are also can use it, just say we have a better choice. (2014-06-13, Java, 8146KB, 下载3次)


[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] Wicket

Wicket开发指南 作者:王磊(wl_95421@yahoo.com.cn)
Wicket Development Guide Author: Wang Lei (wl_95421@yahoo.com.cn) (2009-08-10, Java, 3507KB, 下载3次)


[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] Company

Corporate website to provide product information, corporate data, as well as message boards and online chat functions. (2009-03-10, Java, 1163KB, 下载12次)


[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] office

Through business-to-business office automation system to carry out day-to-day office management, to meet the enterprise day-to-day management of all aspects of office needs, the realization of the enterprise information among employees send and receive function, greatly facilitates the communication between internal staff. Website before and after Taiwan' s announcement of the management of information and documents to facilitate a timely understanding of employees the company' s dynamics, and other functional modules-line operation of the daily management of the enterprise into the science and systems management track. (2009-02-04, Java, 569KB, 下载10次)


[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] shop9

Baba Movement part of a network source, want more, then l213214@yahoo.com.cn (2008-12-26, Java, 1586KB, 下载10次)
