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[数据库编程] Mycat-server-1.4-RELEASE-openep.tar

国产分布式数据库中间件,他是一个彻底开源的,面向企业应用开发的“大数据库集群” • 支持事务、ACID、可以替代Mysql的加强版数据库 • 一个可以视为“Mysql”集群的企业级数据库,用来替代昂贵的Oracle集群 • 一个融合内存缓存技术、Nosql技术、HDFS大数据的新型SQL Server
Domestic distributed middleware, very good (2016-01-07, Java, 7961KB, 下载2次)


[数据库编程] iBATIS-SqlMaps-2_cn

不解释,《iBatis 中文开发指南》 本文讨论了iBATIS SQL Map最重要的特性。本文中没有提及的其他特性,可能以后不再支持或不久将会修改,并且修改时不作通告,因此最好不要使用它们。本文将随着iBatis SQL Map的修改而变更
Do not explain, " iBatis Chinese Development Guide," This article discusses the most important features of iBATIS SQL Map. Other features not mentioned in this article, you may no longer be supported in the future, or will soon be modified and when modifications without notice, so it is best not to use them. This article along with iBatis SQL Map modifications and changes (2014-05-05, Java, 433KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] sheji

Enterprise Newspaper subscription management systems curriculum design report (2013-09-08, Java, 2474KB, 下载12次)


[数据库编程] ro

DRP(Distribution Resource Planning)分销资源计划是管理企业的分销网络的系统,目的是使企业具有对订单和供货具有快速反应和持续补充库存的能力。DRP为企业的业务经营及贸易伙伴的合作提供了一种全新的模式。供应商和经销商之间可以现实实时地提交订单、查询产品供应和库存状况、并获得市场、销售信息及客户支持,实现了供应商和经销商之间端到端的供应链管理,有效地缩短了供销链。
DRP (Distribution, the Resource Planning) distribution resource planning is the distribution network system of the management of the enterprise, the enterprise has the ability to order and delivery rapid response and continued to replenish inventories. The DRP provides a new model for business and trade partners. Can realistically in real time between suppliers and distributors to submit orders, check product supply and inventory, and access to markets, sales information and customer support, end-to-end supply chain management between suppliers and distributors, effectively shortening the the supply and marketing chain. (2012-06-18, Java, 1311KB, 下载21次)


[数据库编程] DryHouse

Dewetting room for a metallurgical enterprises tailored warehouse management system, which emphasized the FIFO principle, the various processes of the production process can not be more on the timely, you must select a temporary storage location, and the rusting of metal productswould greatly increase the defect rate, affecting the efficiency, increase costs. To minimize losses, the warehouse for storage of metal products with dehumidification function. Warehouse to increase dehumidification function is bound to increase the use of warehouse costs, we must reduce the metal products accumulates in the warehouse that is more conducive to unified management and organic integration of the entire product flow process. (2012-04-23, Java, 10381KB, 下载11次)


[数据库编程] informix

ddddddddddddddddddd (2009-04-22, Java, 353KB, 下载20次)


[数据库编程] Enterprise_information_management

Enterprise information management, information stored in the database (sqlsever) and read, display information in tabular form (2009-03-21, Java, 3KB, 下载9次)


[数据库编程] mmsEditorBat

batch into MMS documents to the database. Many of the fixed MMS format when used. (2007-03-20, Java, 676KB, 下载40次)
