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[文件格式] 思源黑体-REGULAR

基于WINDOWS操作系统的POWER POINT 字体之思源黑体CN-NORMAL。入股不亏! (2022-05-22, Java, 7086KB, 下载0次)


[文件格式] 思源黑体CN-NORMAL

基于WINDOWS操作系统的POWER POINT 字体之思源黑体CN-NORMAL。入股不亏! (2022-05-22, Java, 8151KB, 下载0次)


[文件格式] iBATIS-SqlMaps-2_cn

iBATIS-SqlMaps-2_cn iBATIS-SqlMaps-2_cn
this is a java file--iBATIS-SqlMaps-2_cn (2012-01-16, Java, 440KB, 下载2次)


[文件格式] poi

在我们实际的开发中,表现层的解决方案虽然有多样,但是IE浏览器已成为最多人使用的浏览器,因为大家都用Windows。在企业办公系统中,常常有客户这样子要求:你要把我们的报表直接用Excel打开(电信系统、银行系统)。或者是:我们已经习惯用Excel打印。 Apache的Jakata项目的POI子项目,目前比较成熟的是HSSF接口,处理MSExcel对象。它不象我们仅仅是用csv生成的没有格式的可以由Excel转换的东西,而是真正的Excel对象,你可以控制一些属性如sheet,cell等等。
In our actual development, the presentation layer solutions, though there are diverse, but the IE browser has become the most widely used browser, since we all use Windows. Office systems in the enterprise, often a customer requirement like this: you want us to open the report directly in Excel (telecommunications systems, banking systems). Or: We have become accustomed to using Excel to print. Apache' s POI project Jakata sub, is more mature now HSSF interface, processing MSExcel object. It' s not like we just did not use the csv format generated by Excel converter things, but really the Excel object, you can control some of the properties such as sheet, cell, and so on. (2011-07-08, Java, 164KB, 下载5次)


[文件格式] dorado5QuickStart1

This book belong to dorado QuickStart first book in the series, suitable for the initial contact technical personnel dorado study, can also be used for formal teaching, studying through this book will enable technical staff to master dorado preliminary development and use of basic skills, so that we can quickly build small-scale projects, for students at school can also book the accumulation of basic dorado technology graduates to complete their own group to help design and rapid implementation of small private construction information. Qiao. (2009-03-15, Java, 6542KB, 下载6次)


[文件格式] JAVA5.0API_CN

java 1.5 doc开发文档,doc开发文档全部中文版文档
the development of java 1.5 doc document, doc documents of all the development of the Chinese version of the document (2008-09-20, Java, 26726KB, 下载10次)
